How important is it to you that a lip product be hydrating?
How important is it to you that a lip product be hydrating? Does it depend on the type of lip product?
I expect that lip products shouldn’t be drying, and in a perfect world, even lip liner wouldn’t be drying. With lipsticks and glosses, I want light to moderate hydration. With a lip balm, it better be super hydrating!
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its important for me as i work in air conditioned room that can be drying esp for the lips. In my ideal world, i want a lipstick that is both long wearing and hydrating. Havent found that yet so i keep looking.
I’d say it’s very important. If a lip product is drying, I’m just not going to wear it…
It’s absolutely crucial that all of my lip products are hydrating, as I’m very prone to dry lips!
Very important but unfortunately I have yet to find a lip product that not only hydrates well but also stays on for a long time – I am dying to know if there is a product out there that will last through an entire meal and yet not dry out my lips 🙂
Very important! My lips are dry in general, so if a lipstick is not moisturizing, the color will set in the lines of my lips or look dry.
A lip product should always be hydrating especially when wearing a dark lip colour. If it happens that your favorite lip colour isn’t hydrating, be sure to prep your lips before applying it. Keep your lips smooth and soft with a lip scrub and a good quality lip balm such as Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream Nourishing Lip Balm.
I don’t expect my lip products to be insanely hydrating, unless it’s a lip balm. But if it is *too drying* then I won’t wear it. If something is a little bit drying, it doesn’t bother me.
I expect all lip products to be at least lightly hydrating. Usually formulas that are not hydrating are actively drying on my lips and that’s just a no go for me.
I have very dry lips, so in an ideal world, all my lip products would be super hydrating. I also don’t like touching up my makeup more than once in the work day (after lunch). While longwearing lip products have evolved through time and aren’t as drying as they used to be, none are hydrating. So I will often will put a balm on top of a longwearing product, or vice versa if it’s a strong color I want to tone down a bit. It does take away some of the wear time, but not so much, and it’s way more comfortable for my lips.
It is extremely important that a lip product is hydrating – my lips are permanently dried out from Accutane treatment, so I always need hydration, the more the better!
It is quite important to me although in some cases there exists a big trade off between moisture and product longevity. I like to have some form of lip product/moisturizer on my lips as much as possible because I have super dry lips. Can’t stand the feeling of peeling chapped lips. There are many brands of lipstick I will not wear because they are far too drying. Nars, I’m talking about you.. Oy!
I have extremely dry, sensitive lips, and although NARS matte and semi-matte lipsticks are far too drying for me, I find NARS sheer lipsticks to be more hydrating than most balms! Go figure. I have Dolce Vita and Flamenco and wear them constantly without any balm underneath, which is very rare for me. (I do wish I could wear the other NARS lipsticks, though, because they make the prettiest reds.)
Its one of the most important things of all for me, I have very very dry lips that crack and peel and no matter what Ive done, its always been a problem.
Ive even gone to a dermatologist to see if it was a skin fungus because I cant figure it out! (its not)
SO! Lip products MUST be hydrating for me, or they end up looking terrible and peeling off my mouth anyway.
I really have been liking Fresh lip products lately, they have been working well. Tarte Lipsurgences turn my lips bright pink (any color) so I dont use them anymore, although I like the formula.
Very important. My lips are constantly dry and I make them worse by biting them and licking them (a habit I’ve had for years). If it’s a lipstick that isn’t matte I expect it to be hydrating. If it’s a matte then I’m ok with the it being drying, I think that’s just a repercussion of a matte lipstick! Balms, glosses anything else MUST be hydrating.
The *only* time I’ve had an issue was with an YSL lipstick that was used on me during a modelling show, but I think it was some sort of reaction to an ingredient, as none of the others had any problems. Other than that isolated incident, I’ve never found a lip product to not provide some sort of hydration. The fact all lip products contain some sort of emollient, whether it be mineral oil, beeswax, etc, compels it to provide at least some bit of a hydrating factor. If a lip product causes any sort of actual drying effect, it may be a good idea to look at the overall ingredients list, as there may be an allergic reaction.
Was it a Rouge Pur Couture lipstick? I’m curious because I own one, and while the color is gorgeous, the formula sucks the moisture out of my lips and makes them very irritated. Rouge Pur Coutures aren’t usually described as drying, so I wonder if one of the ingredients does cause an allergic reaction in some people…
This was some 25 years ago, so I don’t recall. I was only about 15, and nowhere near as informed about makeup & all the different formulas, but after the show, I asked what the lipstick was, and was shown the tube. I just made a mental note to never wear YSL products again. I don’t have any sensitivities to *any* other products (lip or otherwise), so I figured there must have been something in there.
I noticed you commented about NARS lipstick, and I’ve read comments about some having sensitivity to those, and it has to do with some sort of oil (rose, I believe) that some are allergic to, and it’s in the matte formulas. And yes, NARS certainly does have some of the prettiest reds, but I’ve been apprehensive about trying any due to my experience with YSL. Fire Down Below has been on my list for ages, but in my research of the shade, this one seems to be a big offender.
It shouldn’t be drying. That’s my requirement. I look to lip balms for hydration. If a lipstick is hydrating and manages to be so without compromising wear time, then that’s just a bonus. But not a requirement.
I’d say it’s the most important thing to me in a lip product, aside from color! If a lip product is drying, it’s eventually not going to look good on your lips, and it certainly won’t feel good. I don’t wear lipstick that much as it is, so when I do, it needs to feel completely comfortable. I really like Nars lipsticks for color and comfort.
It’s only important if they are drying to the point of irritation. My lips don’t dry out too quickly-but I used a long wear lip product by Estee Lauder that made me want to scream after I removed it-worst product ever. My lip felt like they were going to bleed, they were so dry.
Yeah, I’ve always found Estee Lauder lip products to be painfully drying.
I avoid lip products that are drying or even neutral; for me, it has to be at least somewhat hydrating or I won’t wear it. My lips dry out and chap easily, so I don’t want to wear anything that will contribute to that. I love my Guerlain and Dior lipsticks because they’re so hydrating; sometimes I wear one of those in place of lip balm and it works if my lips aren’t dried out to begin with. On the other hand, I have one NARS lipstick and I find it incredibly drying (it tugs to put on, and once it is on, ow) so I doubt I’ll buy more from that line.
I don’t need “hydration”. I just don’t enjoy lipstick that sucks out my own natural hydration.
Unless a product claims that it is hydrating, I generally don’t expect it to be. But on the flip side, it also shouldn’t be drying.
I don’t expect traditional lipstick formulas to be super hydrating but lip balm type product should be.
I just want the product to live up to their claims.
Very important but most lippies are so drying that I use a night balm or a good balm to soothe my lips.
I expect a lip balm to be quite hydrating and a lipgloss to be slightly hydrating or at least not to dry my lips out. When it comes to lipsticks/lipliners though, I don’t mind trading hydration for a longer wear time.
I need a lip product to be at least semi-hydrating. I have such dry lips that a drying formula is a no-no.
I have to say very – I have chronically dry, sometimnes peeling lips. I need lipsticks to be hydrating as well as glosses..MAC glosses usually make my lips peel. I have an EOS in every room in my house! My preferred lipsticks are NARS Sheer, Covergirl and Revlon. Glosses are Benefit and Revlon.
Anyone have a suggestion for a good lip scrub? In stores or homemade?
Extremely! I have lips that tend to be naturally dry, and I hate to put anything on them that will make the natural state even worse. I expect all my lip products to be hydrating to some extent, and if they aren’t, it’s a deal breaker for me!
I dont expect lipsticks to be that hydrating but I would love them to be since my lips are always dry