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I won’t jump on a new brand as soon as it comes out, even if it’s a high-end collection from an already well-known designer. I wait for swatches, reviews on product quality, YouTube videos, pricing, lol. Then if it gets really good reviews and raves, I will try ONE item to test how much I love it. I really don’t mind paying more if it’s an exceptional brand. It could become a new favorite. 🙂
Usually seeing it on YouTube. I don’t try new brands without a rec. I don’t watch many YouTubers just Morgan turner and Lauren Mae but I happened to watch Cate the great and although not a fan of hers per se I did buy a couple of Ami Cole items which are great quality and a unique shade. I also purchased an essence from Rhode beauty which I also heard her and others mention although I stay away from most celebrity brands. It’s seems nice but nothing that unusual just has a luminous quality.
Interesting color combinations and finishes with good performance reviews gets a first look, then general brand aesthetic in packaging gets a second look.
Temptalia and its readers .
You, mostly
Mostly from IG and YT and now that I am back on the blog daily, Temptalia. When my daughter and I were in Vancouver for her birthday we visited the Sephora there and it was huge. They had several brands that I had not heard of and was surprised to see what had changed and what hadn’t in the 2-3 years I was away. I have a lot of reading to catch up.
Yep, another Temptalia & comments vote here! I don’t usually seek out new stuff or brands unless I have a specific need for something because I have enough makeup already.
It’s not a very easy task for any new brand to get on my radar. I would not call myself an early adapter. It is most likely to happen through Youtube, but I usually disregard brands that I know anyway are not available in my country/at an international online retailer where I typically shop. If the exposure on Youtube and in instagram is so substantial that I cannot disregard the brand, and I start paying attention, the brand has to have interesting colors or other attributes that I look for in a product for me to get interested. If a content creator that I trust, based on their previous recommendations, features interesting product(s) from that brand often enough, the brand would most likely be on my radar. To sum, the products have speak to me personally, they have to be accessible, and recommended by more than one trustworthy source, and then a brand image will start to form in my mind. Most brands never get to this stage.
Temptalia and your followers.
Temptalia, of course! When I think of the many, many brands that I have discovered here on this blog, thanks to your perfect reviews, I feel blessed knowing that I am purchasing the products that suit me in terms of colour, finishes, pigmentation etc.
It’s a combination of sources: magazines, blogs, ads on FB and IG, emails from stores like Sephora and Ulta.
I usually see it here first! But there have been a few (Menagerie Cosmetics, HoloGrave Cosmetics) that I’ve seen ads for on Instagram and liked. I haven’t bought from either of them, but I like seeing what they put out!
I don’t read fashion magazines anymore and really, the only place I’m likely to hear about new brands is HERE, from you, Christine, or in texts/emails from Sephora. That’s pretty much *it* for me since I don’t take part in FaceBook, Instagram, etc.
I generally read about new brands here, either from Christine or from another reader.
I don’t follow any you tubers or any instagrammers, I haven’t for years.
I rely on all of you for info on new (to me) brands. This group has made makeup fun again!