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Nicole M Eriksen Avatar

First thing I do is look at all the makeup I already own and usually realize that I have similar items. If the temptation lasts through that analysis, I look at all of the other things on my want/need list from all categories, and that usually cures the desire.

Alecto Avatar

I’m not tempted by most new launches. Don’t know why, just not. For the few that *do* tempt me though, I’m usually saved by my laziness; meaning … I make a mental note to come back to something that interests me but by the time I remember (if I even remember) it’s either no longer available or the driving urge has passed.

Nancy T Avatar

I *think* I’m doing a little bit better this year then several previous years? But, it is MADDENING. As in, I am sitting here right now trying like all get out, not to go hog wild today with all the sales! Just saw that Simplehuman mirror on their site for $150. So tempted! Then there’s the sale on Nars. Been wanting to get Nancy (obviously, right?) Audacious lipstick, and then I see that if I get to $75, I will also receive a free 3-piece kit. What to do? I’m in a state of ASD “overwhelmed”! Trying so hard to resist these crazy incentives. Not so sure I’ll succeed today, though.

Kitty Avatar

First thing I do is check for an ingredient list. Many times, it is nowhere to be found so that eliminates the newly launched item from consideration.

If I find an ingredient list, then I usually wait for reviews so I can see if I have any dupes.

Deborah S. Avatar

Easy answer, I don’t. I don’t have Christine’s reason for not resisting as it clearly is not part of my job but if it is something I really want, will work for me in terms of shade and formula and it is something that I will use, then I don’t even try to resist. This is something I will have to be better about in the future as my collection is approaching overwhelming and storage is an issue so after the new year I am going to seriously address decluttering and really look at where I have holes in my collection and try to limit myself to filling those holes or the “one must go before one comes in” process.
In line with my above comment I think started really thinking about this when we were gone on our trip and my mother came everyday to feed our cat. One day she brought my brother with her and they were both remarking on my lipstick collection which was on my vanity. They were both giving me h*ll about the number of lipsticks I have and I told them that they were only seeing a small fraction of my lipsticks as the other boxes are in my drawers. My brother was taxing me with starvation in the world, people dying and I am buying more lipsticks, etc. I didn’t have the nerve to tell him about the rest of my makeup. Normally this attitude doesn’t bother me but for some reason it has gotten to me on some level.
The point was driven home when I woke up to my inbox this morning and I have 156 messages regarding black Friday sales and I just cleared my inbox at midnight last night. You know you are subscribed or have shopped at a lot of beauty websites when your inbox is log jammed.

Deborah S. Avatar

Thank you, Rachel. You are right but on some level I think it does get to me that I could be doing more for those in need. I think I maybe rationalize it because I do support several charities and animal rescue groups but there is more work to be done and maybe I should refocus my “hobby” money towards those charities. Sadly, I probably won’t as I am just weak when it comes to makeup. I think I would have to go cold turkey and not buy anything or even go anyplace where makeup might be sold, in order to resist temptation. Thank you for the support and kindness.

Debbie Avatar

I wait for reviews, look for dupes, shop my stash, and have the patience to see if I still am interested after the dust has settled. Actually going out and swatching something myself also helps me determine if it is just the hype or if it is something that I really would like to welcome into my collection.

Brenda C Avatar

Do I need it? Probably not. So only if I talk myself into it because the reviews were spectacular, I don’t have a dupe, I’ve run out of the item or it’s just something I can’t live without. I am getting very good at not bringing more things into my house as I’m decluttering it.

Silvia Avatar

I’m sure u could fund kits more space to Josef more makeup like in the shelves behind my cloths u still have some space but I’m gettin good at avoiding falling in the black hole! I’m covered with just every shade I ever need or want and do like what I have mostly drugstore. So I’m firmly checking for dupes and the voice inside me the little devil that makes me want to purchase yet another thing cause us prettg. Just NO! I don’t want to look fir more space and in fact I been decluttering a few things. I also love plants so I need to save my money fir yet more colors….flowers! Is all about colors and is always about shopping. lol! But seriously that’s my second passion gardening.
I have two IKEA shelves on dudes of my sink with three glass dividers and three drawers under. I don’t need anymore.

Jan Kelley Avatar

I refuse to buy another palette. LÉGÈRETÉ ET EXPÉRIENCE By Chanel, I did purchase. That is a quad I will definitely use.. i have just done a major clean out. And don’t want to go back their. But, I am forever on the look out for the perfect lipstick. “Hello. My name is Jan and I’m a lipstick addict.” The worse part is they’re all high end. However, I do wear them by rotation. They are like my little lippie children. So most of the time, I look but don’t buy. Unless, there happens to be a fabulous lipstick!

Rachel R. Avatar

I’m really not that excited by most new launches. Usually the colors aren’t what I’m looking for: The foundations don’t have a light enough shade, or they’re full of neutral eyeshadows and nude lipsticks that I already have duped or else have not interest in, etc. Sometimes the brand is too expensive for my budget.

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