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Kathy S. Avatar

Thank you, Chris! LORAC’s matte eyeshadows are incredible! Also Graftobian’s and Ben Nye’s mattes are amazingly easy to blend. They have to be because they can be used for character makeup as well as beauty makeup.

Brian McD aka Roulette Avatar

I love the darkness of Bulletproof by Sugarpill but does anyone else find it fades? Just wondering…I can get it to pack on over black liner and it comes off intense, but it seems to disappear over time or if I blend over it.

cherry Avatar

hmm i’ll try to pay attention tomorrow but i really don’t think i’ve experienced any noticable fading? i also use a setting spray (skindinavia no shine spray) so that might also help lock in the powder, but i’ll try an experiment out tomorrow to see if i experience the same. do you have oily lids, or do your eyes tear up a lot? i do, also what kind of liner are you using

stephanietp Avatar

i love the one in the naked2 palette by urban decay! but i also like macs typographic, i actually prefer it over carbon because it doesnt look as good on my super fair skin

Lisa Avatar

The best matte black I have found so far is the black in the Sleek Sunset palette… (its better than the black in the other palettes for some reason).

Adelita Avatar

You should try the matte black eyeshadow that’s always included in any Sleek’s palettes, they’re insane! M·A·C & UD black matte shadows are nothing compared to this. They’re super pigmented, very soft & buttery without any fall-out issue.
And this is coming from an avid UD’s eyeshadow fans! 😉

Naktsmeita Avatar

I cand aggree about UD Blackout . Its BAD .
I have that in UD 15 palette . It isnt pigmented at all, hard to work with .
blacks from Wet n wild and sleek palettes are much more pigmented . But MUG Corrupt is my favorite . 🙂

Beckie. Avatar

Carbon from MAC… no other is so black lasts all day without fading. including all of the urban decays which turn gray as the day progresses

Basma Masud Avatar

This Black is so pigmented. I have not tried MAC but I am sure that MUA has the best Black in town. and its only for GBP 1….. Its worth trying! I live in Pakistan and MUA is not available here. but I managed to get hold of it from UK 🙂

Ursula Avatar

I LOVE NARS eyeshadow duo in Pandora. It has a frosty white that is great as a highlighter and the blackest matte black ever that is perfect as a cake liner AND a shadow. My fav by far

Beth Br00tality Avatar

My boyfriend wears a large amount of black eyeshadow on a daily basis. He has used L’oreal Lush Raven, MAC’s Carbon, NYX’s Black & Madd Style Cosmetix’s Shade Black. His favorite is “probably the MAC. I don’t know yet.”

I have used lots of matte blacks, from MAC to NYX to Madd Style Cosmetix to UD to Tokidoki to Sephora brand. For the price point, I would have to say the Wet n Wild matte black is my favorite. Pigmented, smooth and black as night; and cheap.

cherry Avatar

HANDS DOWN bulletproof by sugarpill <3 i use it every.single.day either alone as eyeliner, or on top of pencil liner, especially on my water line, spilling slightly over onto my lash line to keep my liner in place all.day.long no lie, i would die without my bulletproof eyeshadow <3

heidi Avatar

The matte black in the sleek acid palette makes carbon look gray!its way better than ud perversion, zero, or blackout.I have not tried sugarpill or MUG’s corrupt to compare, I”kve heard those ones are pretty good but its hard to imagine it being much better.

Brenda Avatar

Great topic! I was so curious about this too that I tested all 6 of my matte black shadows: WnW Black (in the I love matte palette), NYX Black, Mac Carbon, UD Blackout, Kat Von D Lucifer, and Inglot AMC #63. The richest, truest matte black went to UD Blackout!

Now if only I had the Sugarpill and MUFE matte black shadows as candidates….

Mommie Queerest Avatar

UD’s Black Dog from the Black Palette is insanely dark. One of the best ever (however, I returned the palette because EVERY shadow appeared black black black! All were ridiculously similar!)

Why is no one mentioning Bare Escentuals’ Onyx?!?! It’s easily on par with Black Dog. Horrifically intense matte black. Dangerous actually, because if you forget to tap your brush (it’s loose powder) and you get any fallout or crumbs anywhere, you’re soooo screwed.

I’m still hoping to try Bulletproof soon 😀

Sarah M Avatar

I think there are lots of great black eye shadows out there but some of my favourites have been Laura Mercier’s Noir, MAC’s Carbon, and Urban Decay’s Blackout.

DeAnna McINtosh Avatar

I seen Liz Taylor make up her eyes and she did not use a pencil to darken her eyes she put one of those things you use for eye shadow and she dipped it into some black stuff and then rubbed it all around the eye and it was real black and looked better than eye liner because it was kind of smudgy looking in a way, so I was wondering if there is any black eye shadow I can get to use for eyeliner like that.

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