Have you ever had a bad hair cut?
Have you ever had a bad hair cut? How did you deal with it?
When I was young (like ten or younger), I asked my mom for a perm (because she got one), and she let me have one–and it was horrible and awful and every terrible thing. I washed my hair as soon as we got home, and that helped manage the worst of it. My mom also cut my hair super short in the first or second grade, and I didn’t like me with short hair so I didn’t go short for over ten years after!
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In my teenage years, I had all kinds of bad hair cuts – I was going through a phase, and you keep reinventing your look every week (I went Goth one week and then super bright the next). I went super short, blue streaked (Cringe!), blue-black, dark purple.. You name it, I did it, but thankfully I’m well out of that phase by now! Spunky, cute hair or bold colours just didn’t suit me and I was sort of kidding myself.
I’ve never had a truly bad haircut, but I have had stylists take it upon themselves to “modify” the style I asked (and *paid* for!) because they felt it would take too much effort on my part to maintain/style on a daily basis. If I want the extra fuss, I should be able to make that choice. I rarely ever ask for a true “style” due to the fact my hair grows abnormally fast, but more so due to the fact that I expect to get what I pay for; otherwise, I’ll go for a trim.
I have had the experience of waiting for a haircut to grow out, though. I prefer extreme lengths, either above the chin, or below the shoulders, so for that time in between it’s headbands & falls. Fortunately, it only lasts a few months, so it’s not too bad.
Gosh, yes. I was around 16, had short hair and my hairdresser moved hundred of miles away. I let one of her former colleagues cut my hair and ended up with a horrible, extreeeeemely short bowl cut. I cried for a week, and stayed away from any kind of scissors for 12 years.
Recently, my hairstylist thinned my hair horribly, on top of cutting it short and giving me a bad hair dye (I guess hairstylist in Asian country may not really understand the fact that if you’re going dark from blonde, you’d need fillers or it would turn out GREEN).
Several years back, though, I went overboard with the shears and gave me a short, spiky look that I didn’t love and didn’t hate — But I stuck with it for a while anyway. Thankfully it was relatively easy to grow out, and it became the precursor of my current hairstyle.
When I was younger, my mum used to make (okay, I wasn’t forced) me cut my hair much shorter than I wanted and I hated it – I’ve been paranoid about getting my hair cut too short since, and this means I usually end up with it longer than I actually want it.
When I was three, my mother went overboard while cutting my hair, and I ended up with really short hair, which didn’t suit me at all. Since then, I’ve always gone to the hairdresser. Apart from a poorly executed bob (seriously, that’s like the easiest haircut ever!), I don’t remember having any disaster. In fact, the only “disaster” I can think of is not getting for two years straight!
YES! I went to a really cheap place when I was low on funds for for a trim– A TRIM– and toward the end, the lady seemed distracted but I thought “well, how bad can you mess up a trim?” Apparently a lot. I noticed when I got home that the left and right sides of my hair weren’t even the same length. HORRENDOUS. I ended up evening it out myself. UGH. I know my long, thick. layered hair can be somewhat overwhelming for some hair dressers but this lady seemed like she didnt even try. I didn’t wear my hair down again until I went somewhere else to make it look right.
Years of childhood trauma just came rushing back!! My mother should have NEVER been allowed to touch a pair of scissors when I was young! By the time my bangs were trimmed they were about an inch long. Every time. Every single time.
My first perm experience, in three words, was a TONI HOME PERM. I was in grade 7 or 8 I believe. The best way to describe the results…take a hairbrush to the nearest barn, pick a bale of hay, and start combing! I had no noticeable curl, just a head full of frizzy nastiness. That would be another thing my mother should never have been allowed to touch!
Needless to say, I have never gone near my daughters hair with a pair of scissors.
Oh yeah! Years ago, when I was still in uni, I worked part time with a girl who had this great short haircut and I loved it. She said her aunt, who was a hairdresser, did it for her so I went to this aunt and I should have known right away….no sectioning, no precision cutting – she just cut away with little rhyme or reason. Afterward, I realized that the gal I worked with had bone straight hair while mine is thick, coarse, wavy….and this layered cut was a MESS. I went to my own stylist the very next day and he fixed it as best he could, kept the “I told you so’s” to himself and it took me the better part of a year to grow my hair back to the blunt-cut bob I’d had before this fiasco!
YES and it was only last year! I had a few average cuts by a few different people, so my medium-long, thick hair was a bit of a shapeless mess, and then this cut made it much, MUCH worse. My hair is below my shoulders, and I had texturising/layers/thinning right up to my cheekbones. It looked awful and it sat terribly, really poofy and just yuck. I had a bob in 2008, and I’ve been trying to grow out my hair since 2009, and I was so frustrated by the whole experience that I just stopped going to any hairdressers at all!!
I now see an amazing senior stylist at a new salon, who really talked to me about how we will get my hair to where I want it – LONG and thick. She told me honestly that it will be at least December before the layers have grown out. She cuts it SO well too – the first time I thought “gee she didn’t really do much” but that was the beauty of it, she did exactly what was needed and no more.
When I was about 15 I wanted to get a short layered cut for summer, something a little longer than a pixi cut, I ended up with what was basically a buzz cut about 3mm long, and I was going on a week long trip with school in 3 days with the boys school (I was in a single sex private school)! I was mortified.
Once I got used to it I actually liked it, it was really easy to look after and this was about a decade before Demi did it so it was still unusual. It was a real talking point especially with the Boys (WIN) Also I was really into makeup and accessories so I could dress the rest of me up to still look feminine.
I still bounce between long and short hair much to the amusement of my hairdresser 🙂
As much as I love having short hair, I do not suit crops nearly enough to go as short as I did when I was 16. I didn’t suit the short chop I did at 11 either – the length wasn’t bad, the style was awfully dated though.
I got a really bad hair cut this week. 3 days down, at least another 3 weeks before I don’t look like a 50 year old with a mullet (I’m 23…. ) Way too short, terribly messy layers. I’ve never been so sad about my hair 🙁
My mom took me to a Super Cuts when I was like 9 or 10 to get my bangs trimmed. The lady cutting them forgot that hair shrinks as it dries and by the time they dried they were halfway up my forehead! I refuse to go into one of those kind of salons to this day.
The other major hair problem I had once was a stylist who told me I couldn’t go boy short because my hair would “curl up like an Afro” and so I avoided it. I finally decided to try it like seven years later and I had no problems. I regret that because I love my hair this short and wish I’d done it sooner!
I used to have a bowl cut when I was a kid. I wasn’t a very happy girl, nope.
I have had a couple of minor bad haircuts, but I would say I have had more hair color mishaps.
I have had so many bad haircuts – when I was 5 I had what amounted to a bowl haircut. This repeated my junior year of high school – I have too much hair and the wrong haircut. In college – I had a haircut that resembled very much Florence Henderson from the Brady Bunch (so kind of a mullet). I’m happy to say that I’ve had for several years now a wonderful stylist – who now gives me the best pixie cut and I know what styling aids are! I get compliments on my hair all the time.
Does the entire decade of the 80’s count? (¬‿¬)
A school friend once insisted on cutting my fringe to match hers. It looked appallingly bad and took an eternity to grow back.
Why does this have to be the question today -when I’m going for my first professional haircut in forever! I hope it’s not an omen!!
Your cut will be amazing, Cat G!! Don’t you worry!! Think of it this way… technically, it was posted 8/15 😉
There was the Bangs Incident of 2006… My way of coping was headbands. Lots of headbands. Thankfully they were in at the time, or I’d just have cried a lot.
When I was really small like five or six years old, I used to have ear length hair, it wasn´t a bad hair cut exactly since it was cut by a professional, but I didn´t like it at all I hated it, I wanted long hair, but up until middle school I only had shoulder length hair. After the second year in middle school I have had upper back long hair that I really love and take care of 😀 .
I was 13 and trying to get a spiky pixie cut… instead, I got my head shaved. Everyone thought I was a boy. I dealt with it by beginning my makeup saga. 😀 After about 2 months it started to look cool anyway, but before that I would get so upset every time someone addressed me as, “young man!”
I’ve had many. Women with my hair type will understand this. My hair is super thick, somewhat coarse, and has a straight/wavy mix that turns to a pyramid of frizz if you so much as look at it wrong. Mediterranean hair, I guess. Many stylists don’t know how to cut it correctly. They come at me with a razor and I run the other way. Long with substantial layers works best.
YEAH! the last one I had was done right before the 2009 new year, I just went to a hairdresser and asked to trim my fringe a bit – my fringe was oval at that moment, so the line has to be very accurate. the hairdresser cut off way too much hair, and did it in a bad way, it looked absolutely horrible and the mistake was obvious. I asked her to correct the shape, but she refused and I went home. the mood for the new year’s celebration was spoiled, but luckily I’d got it fixed a few days after the holidays.
I’ve had 1 bad haircut that I can remember- the stylist practically shredded my longer than shoulder length hair razor cutting it. I have no idea where she got the idea that it needed the texture or thinning or whatever she was trying to achieve, but it ended up being the tangliest hair I have ever had! It looked like shredded wheat (!), just the opposite of how I had walked in. Just horrible and there was nothing to do but wait for each strand of hair to grow back out so I could get the blunt layers again. If I see anyone trying to take a razor to my hair, I will leap out of the chair!
Many times! The first was a bad stack perm done at a beauty school — why would I perm naturally very curly and very fine hair? The result was that it broke most of my hair so a week before graduation I got a very very short haircut to lop off all the damage, I looked like a boy. Another was highlights done by a stylist who was highly recommended — he didn’t use foils correctly and used a very watery bleaching solution which leached out of the top of the foils so I wound up getting HORIZONTAL highlights. He was so high strung that I was afraid of him and said nothing, paid and went straight to a drugstore for hairdye to cover the tiger stripes. Bangs cut too short (curly hair shrinks so they were mini-bangs), people who cut curly hair like it was straight and then I would wind up with tons of weird cowlicks, etc. etc.
I had, when I was a first-third grader in elementary school. My mom thought it would be a good idea to have my hair chopped off and cut into a Beatles-type of mushroom cut… as a girl. Because it would be easier to handle blah-blah-blah. I HATED it, needless to say.
Yes – but compared to the bad perm, the cut wasn’t worth complaining about. The perm literally fried my hair off and out. Ugh. Thank goodness I was only about 2-1/2 years old or so.
< —- My picture was the aftermath of a really bad haircut. The woman who cut it did not listen to me at all and I had her cut it completely off because I just wanted to start over. I ended up wearing really bad 80s inspired makeup so I could detract from my zoolander haircut. I am still terrified and honestly it is taking forever to grow out. I just got a haircut today to even things out and got bangs. But I begged the hairdresser to exercise caution when cutting my hair. She did and I was very happy. I gave her a 5 dollar tip. I know its not much but come on it was a walmart haircut. 😛
I have had millions of bad haircuts trying to make my fine poker straight hair be something its not. I had perms several times but blistered from them. I tried layers; bad idea. Try short short; laid flat on my head regardless of product.Worst, my mother cut my hair when I was a child with household scissors.
I now wear it straight, parted slightly to the side, no bangs, just past shoulder length and I have highlights put in; two shades of blonde.
The girl jacked on something who took off most of the hair on the back of my head to an eighth inch? She was using a razor; I should be glad that’s the worst of it.
I once got a very bad haircut. My usual hairdresser was unavailable so I just went to one near my house. I wanted a trim, but ended up with hair short than shoulder length. I cried hysterically and didn’t want to go to school or leave the house ever again, but of course I had to. So i wore it up for a year. I also had to straighten it every damn day just for it to be long enough to get into a reasonable bun. Hairdressers have so much power in their hands.
The real question is has anyone ever had a GOOD haircut! I stop getting my hair cut by professionals back when I was 13. It seemed like anytime I went with a picture, it ended up being everything BUT the picture. I have always had long hair and I will never get over the hair dresser who chopped my waist length hair off because she didn’t understand the word “dusting”. I screamed when she cut the first bit of hair…never again!