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Iva Avatar

Tnx girls!
it was dior e/s number 620 street sweet, but I used only white and yellow. the green shades are by s-he stylezone, it’s german label I think

Zsofi Avatar

Yes,it’s a german brand and I love love love it,sooo good quality for not much money. i have 4 S-he palattes,and i have that one U used,so i am so happy i can replicate Your look.
i U are interested which other S-he palettes i recommend,just write Zsofi in the search section,and U can see my storage solutions and my S-he palettes.

Very beautiful lokk,thanks for sharing.
i will try this definitely.
an other german brand which i can’t get enough of : Manhattan……
even better than S-he and just as cheap. i have all of their new 3-color and 2-color palettes and some monos.
today i bought 2 monos: Carbon and Metal green,and i bought a second one of my fave trio: Samba effects.

Sound Of Vision Avatar

Nisi nisi! Mi hrvatice smo style & beauty sluts, šta se kaže! 😀
Haha, malo podreži trepe! ili počni nositi leće…joooj kako mi fale! 🙁 Nekako mi se čini da od glupih naočala nemogu istaknuti make-up i žao mi je kad se dobro našminkam pa se od naočala baš ne vidi…

Ma šta ti radiš na forum.hr ženo?! Imaš li account na Specktri? ili Livejournalu?
Ja imam na oba, pa da se ‘nađemo’. 🙂

We try to approve comments within 24 hours (and reply to them within 72 hours) but can sometimes get behind and appreciate your patience! 🙂 If you have general feedback, product review requests, off-topic questions, or need technical support, please contact us directly. Thank you for your patience!