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Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder Review, Photos, Swatches

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder ($70.00 for 0.51 oz.) is a “highlighting bronzer for the face and body.” It combines a “highlighting beige and a pink bronze” to “enhance the complexion while warming the skin with an iridiescent glow.”

It’s an oversized bronzer housed in a wooden compact that slides open (held together by three magnets). It has all of the hallmarks of luxury with engraved detailing on the outer cover with the Guerlain initials and logo, along with the intricate design of the bronzer itself. The center of the bronzer is a muted gold, while the outer portion is a rose-tinted bronzy brown. Together, they create a soft tan bronze with a golden metallic sheen. It’s more of a sheen than shimmer, but it’s not a very subtle sheen–I mention this because many of Guerlain’s products have a softer shimmer and sheen, but this powder has more sheen than Meteorites or the like. The powder has a soft, smooth, very refined texture that feels like silk moving across the skin.

Worn, it imparts a glowy sheen (I wore it on the tops of cheeks and softly brushed around the temples) that’s a soft, golden bronze. It worked well paired with a blush, too, though it could be worn alone for something very bronzy. It also has fantastic wear; it stayed glowy and smooth for eight hours before starting to fade away. The compact itself is done very well, though it’s not the most secure packaging and wouldn’t be my favorite item to travel with. For $70, at least they give you half an ounce of bronzer, though–not many will get through that!

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder Review, Photos, Swatches


Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder

Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder
Guerlain Terra Inca Sublime Radiant Powder (on tops of cheeks, around temples; theBalm Frat Boy as blush)


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Vijaya Avatar

Wow, 70 bucks? I tend to judge value mainly by the actual label price, usually, rather than the price per weight (unless there’s an exceptionally small amount of product) because regardless of how much product there is, I never really use anything up to begin with.

Celina Avatar

Thank you for taking a photo of this with your hand holding it, I find it so difficult to get an ideal as to how large some cosmetics are and this is perfect 🙂

Sarah Avatar

Christine, you look stunning! It looks shimmery but not oily, so pretty…. but even for the amount of product you get I don’t think I can justify spending that much on a a piece of makeup.

Hope Avatar

I think it looks a little orangey but it’s probably just the photograph. (I personally like really natural blush/bronzer so I didn’t care for the UD Baked Bronzers a while back, I thought they made you look orangey – sorry!) Don’t worry Christine, you don’t look like Snookie at all. I really like that frat boy blush on you, now I want to try it!

My question is, why would Guerlain charge $70 for a gigantic amount of product instead of charging half as much for half that amount of product. I mean this from a marketing/business standpoint. I think that a lot of people will be put off by the price, even though you get so much $/oz, but I personally wouldn’t buy this only because I buy all of my products with the intention of finishing them (and I feel really good when I finish them, hahaha). I would want to break off half of it and share!

Christine Avatar

Luxury brands, like Guerlain, are not focused on selling the maximum amount of units – the very point of luxury brands is to price it high enough that only some will buy it. Given that this is their market position, it would cheapen the brand to lower their prices and lower the value of the brand name by doing so – which is the last thing a luxury brand would want to do!

If anything is making this look orange (though I don’t see it), it would be the blush, actually. The bronzer itself is a rosy gold bronze, no orange at all. So maybe the blush isn’t something you’d like 🙁

Dee Avatar

I don’t get it. I know everyone has a different definition of what ‘orange’ is, but seriously this is as far from orange as it gets. Its gorgeously glowy and radiant, but orange? Maybe the colours appear differently on their computers? You look so amazing!

Hope Avatar

Okay that makes sense!

Aww too bad, I’ve heard really good things about thebalm. And Dee maybe it is my computer, it’s been a little wonky.

Eileen Avatar

Hi Hope, Christine’s answer is right on target, but I have one thing I’d like to add: the blusher is also meant to be used on the body as well. Swept lightly across the shoulders and décolleté it is gorgeous and luminous.

Christine, you certainly look beautiful and not at all like The Great Pumpkin. Perhaps some of the monitors being used aren’t up to standard. Rosy bronze is what Terra Inca is all about.

Anya Avatar

The orange tint varies based on the monitor you’ve using. When I looked at this photo on my RSS feed on my iPhone, it definitely leaned towards orange. On my laptop, however, I see only a radiant golden glow.

You look lovely, Christine 🙂

Michelle Avatar

It’s very pretty! This is late and off-topic but congrats on your graduation 🙂 any advice for soon-to-be college freshmen?

helen Avatar

I LoVe Guerlain and purchased the foundation because of your recommendation. This bronzer is so fresh and radiant on you Christine, but a little to shimmery for me. Do you have a swatch of the more matte Terracotta? If not, how does it differ in colour from NARS Laguna (which i currently use)?

margot Avatar

I was thinking: oh it looks so pretty until I realised I think I just really like the blush, more than the bronzer LOL still, it’s beautiful but OMG so expensive!!

Dâmaris Village Beauté Avatar

Simply: my applause!

Picture perfect

Guerlain – my congratulations! you win your customers this way: with delicacy of details, product quality, product quantity. Very cute.

Christine, great post.

Abraços do Brasil
Village Beauté

Julia Minamata Avatar

The packaging is so, so pretty! But yeah, I would never spend this much money on a bronzer. Bronzer seems like a product that doesn’t need to be very expensive to work well, because not much is required of it — no fears of caking, creasing, not holding up to tears, or eating…

I’m not a fan of sheen, either. My skin gets oily fast and I don’t need help looking that way!

Great review though, especially using your hand as a size reference 🙂

Romina Avatar

You are beuatiful in the pic! And the bronzer, too, I saw it yesterday in person, so I think I’m getting it although I’ve already purchased two other bronzers from summer collections. It seems to be really special!

stacey Avatar

beautiful packaging, beautiful design inside and out…but I dont care for bronzers even if it is Guerlain……really dont want to look like Pippa Middleton..or Kathie Lee or Hoda….all orange looking and make them look older than their age.

San Avatar

You look radiant :), but i feel the blush and bronzer dont go too well also loving the blush shade.Christine what lipstick are u wearing?

Roxana Avatar

Ummm I see no orange, maybe your monitors need some color adjusting 🙂 Christine you look radiant. Any possible dupes?? Thank You

KT Avatar

Looks stunning! Unfortunately, will never be mine since I’m sure it will be at least twice the price here in Australia, and I’m pale ++++. Will you be reviewing the rest of this collection? Those blue and gold eyeshadows looked amazing as well.

Martina Avatar

:’-( i want iiiit
but i’ve purchased so many bronzers lately (3, one being guerlain) i CAN’T BUY IT!!! but it looks so stunning… i wish it was half of the product for half of the prize…

Mina Avatar

Hi Christine: This bronzer/powder looks great on you! Are you wearing it over any foundation b/c your face looks BEYOND flawless! Love it! Thanks for the awesome review as always!

Bianca Avatar

Hi think it looks gorgeous on you! Radiant & natural! I don’t see orange @ all! I’m interested in frat boy. Will you be reviewing it soon? I should add something to my name b/c there’s two Bianca’s commenting so we don’t confuse you lol!

Evelyn Avatar

Think of it this way, we’re just mimicking our natural skin tone if we spent more time out of doors during the summer. Sometimes you want to be your untanned skin tone, sometimes not. It’s like changing your lipstick or blush. 🙂

Eileen Avatar

You’ve hit upon the key, Evelyn: Variety is the proverbial “spice of life” and it’s fun to mix it up. Although I embrace the pale most of the year, nothing says summer and the living is easy like a light sun kissed glow. And I don’t even use the same bronzer every time I wear one. It depends on the mood I’m in and the look I want to create. It’s great that we can mimic that vacation glow with bronzer without actually damaging our skin.

Valbona Avatar


Because not all are comfortable in their skin color. Even though I personally do not EVER tan because it would damage my skin (I don’t trust anti-damage products much), I do sometimes use a little bronzer on my cheeks. But, truthfully, everybody looks beautiful in their own skin tone, no matter what.

Ashley Seme Avatar

You look great here! I do like the bronzer and the blush, too. I have been dying to buy something from Guerlain for awhile now…I love the feel of their lip sticks, but had trouble finding one that I loved (the color) on my lips, so this bronzer may be my big splurge! Thanks for the post and all the photos! 🙂

Elizabeth Avatar

It looks so pretty on you! I just bought it the other day. It’s $66 here in Canada. I’m not sure how to wear it though! It’s doesn’t seem to be a bronzer in the traditional sense. I feel like if I use like I would, say, Laguna – then I’ll be way too ‘glowy’. I’ve been using it on my cheeks layered over my blush which is pretty – but it seems like such a boring use for such a glam product, lol!

Any advice on how I can maximize my enjoyment of the Terra Inca?

P.S. How much do you adore the slight pink sheen?! That’s the reason I bought it 🙂

elle Avatar

I bought this item about two weeks ago during I was in Taiwan.
I dont know why some of Asia countries that sell summer limted edition item early than State. This produt is a high qulity and you can use over a year if you used everyday. . . I love it.. . .

Jennifer Avatar

I don’t see any orange. At all. You look glowy, healthy and slightly sun kissed. GORGEOUS, in other words. That blush looks fantastic as well.

Jilliterate Avatar

I’m going to second the request for any suggestions of dupes for this. I went to pick this up last month, and it was sold out (I live in a small city that doesn’t get much in the way of high-end makeup). Any price range works, since I’m really lusting after this, but of course cheaper is always preferable!

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