Goodbye, Becca Cosmetics!

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Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)
Becca Light Shifter Dewing Tint Swatches (x8)

Today, we say goodbye to Becca Cosmetics! They’re a brand that has had a lot of cult favorites over the years, but it’s clear that those were not enough over the long-run to keep the lights on. Here’s the brand’s official announcement:

To Our BECCA Beauties,

Here at BECCA, we’re obsessed with our relationship with our fans. You’re all our family – part of this beautiful community that supports us and shares our values. It’s because of our love for each of you that we are sharing this important news here.

The global pandemic has had an impact on everyone around the world on many levels. It has also had a tremendous impact on so many businesses. At BECCA, an accumulation of challenges, together with the global impact of COVID-19, has sadly been more than our business can withstand, and we have had to make the heartbreaking decision to close down the BECCA brand at the end of September 2021.

We believe in you, and we believe that the beauty inside you is the light you share with the world. We are confident that the spirit of BECCA will continue to live on through all of you. Please keep illuminating your true selves. Light your own paths and push your limits. Share positivity and light the way for others as you make an impact on this world. Own your light on your own terms.

For 20 years – from Perth to New York and across the globe – we’ve built incredible connections with this amazing community, from our consumers to the makeup artist community, our wonderful network of influencers, to our amazing Brand Collaborators and Brand Ambassadors from yesterday and today. We’ve done meaningful work together supporting mental wellness with the JED foundation and Mental Health Mates and will continue to do so through our commitment to The Trevor Project this coming June. Together, we put our best light out into the world, and for that we are forever grateful.

Thank you for every last ray of positivity and support.

With much Love & Gratitude,


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Swoozy Avatar

Oh, how terrible. While I wasn’t a consumer of theirs as I’m not a user of the highlighters and illuminators that are their core, it’s always sad to see a business close down knowing that many people will be impacted by this.

Seher Avatar

I’m sad to see them go, but it also indicates that if you do not launch a new product every month you can’t sustain in this industry. Truly saddening.

Sarah Avatar

I’m kind of surprised and kind of not–they have some fantastic products in their regular range, but some of the releases in the past few years (the “Skin Love” line, the “Zero” foundation) seemed like things no one was really looking for from the brand. I would have loved to have seen more lip and cheek tints, maybe liquid bronzers, eye pencils, etc. Discontinuing the OG liquid Shimmering Skin Perfectors was also a shame, it was my all-time favorite highlighter formula!

Casey Avatar

Ya I was confused about the zero pigment foundation as well. Isnt that supposed to be the point of foundation? To cover up your skin flaws? Looked more like a silicone primer to me

Licia Avatar

That’s a shame. I had good success with their foundations (great color matches for my skin tone) but I know that I’m probably a contributor to their demise by buying & using less product over the past year.

Z Avatar

Shit. I really like a lot of Becca. They have my favorite primer – the backlight priming filter. They had my favorite highlight – liquid shimmering skin perfector in pearl.

I hate that they made a lot of missteps and never could really solidify themselves after coming out with those initial star products (champagne pop).

Z Avatar

Same. I already have one backup, but it won’t hurt to grab another. I don’t even use primer, but some days when my skin looks just like…well dead…that primer adds quite a lot of glow and is one of the rare ones without silicones.

Aditi Avatar

That’s so sad and for me very surprising. There are brands that I think are redundant and should go out, but I wouldn’t have put Becca in those.

Z Avatar

Also….is it wrong I immediately went to their site in the hopes of ravaging the corpse for good deals? So far they haven’t begun markdowns (beyond the LE items that were always temporary.

raja Avatar

I haven’t purchased any Becca in a good long while, and it’s a shame it’s going to take a fire sale to get me to lol. But I agree with others who’ve talked about their recent missteps in releases.

J Avatar

I was just going through my stash and thought I needed to buy the new liquid highlighters! That’s too bad, it’s core offerings were really solid.

Mariella Avatar

Oh no!!!! I don’t have a huge amount of products from Becca but those I have (blushes that were discontinued – I love those, a glowy primer, a few powder and liquid highlighters) are things I really love. I’m going to see if I can get a backup of the Backlight Priming Filter – that is the one product I will REALLY miss! It’s a shame they discontinued so many of their really great, almost iconic products and that some of their releases were duds (didn’t they have a disastrous eye shadow palette release?). I’m just really sad about this and about the people who will lose their jobs at such a difficult time….

kjh Avatar

Tbh, this surprises me. At least with their core products, they seemed pretty strong. And they never went way out of their comfort zone. This would be a terrific business school case. Run the numbers with their product mix and see how that influenced their P&L and balance sheet. Never had significant Becca moments, but find this quite sad. Looks as if the bubble is bursting. What’s next? The fast fashion model and budget prices of CP seems to reign at present. I think this is the tip of the iceberg.

Yvette Avatar

Once they sold to Estee Lauder they started putting gluten in a lot of their products so I haven’t purchased from them in quite awhile. They were once known as a high quality gluten free brand but EL put and end to that. Sad to see them close.

Jess Avatar

My state has had mandatory masks everywhere, even outdoors, for about a year now. Because of this, I stopped buying and wearing face products. I can definitely understand how this pandemic is hurting brands and especially brands who are heavy in the face/cheek category. I imagine those products have taken a big hit. Im sure I’m not the only one in states like mine that have stopped using those types of products. I feel for the employees who will be impacted by this.

Gusnail Avatar

I’m conflicted hearing this. On the one hand, I’m sad to see such a prominent brand go, and hope that the staff is taken care of by Estee Lauder. On the other hand, although I used to use some of their products daily, I haven’t used any of their products in years and none of the more recent releases have drawn me in. Their Zero foundation was very confusing, and I guess misguided would be the appropriate word? Sad to see them go, and yet, I won’t be missing them.

Lucia Avatar

If I have one holy grail product, it’s the Hydra Mist powder (which seems kind of an unpopular opinion but it’s the only thing that allows me to achieve unnatural porelessness). I wonder, though, if the cash grabby new releases were a symptom of their troubles, or if they would have been fine just providing good staple products and not investing resources in producing… zero pigment foundation.

Haley Avatar

Sad – I remember when their highlighting products were IT. But lately there’s sooo many good quality highlighters for a variety of price level that you need something else to stand out, and I haven’t been seeing it.

Ana Maria Avatar

I never was a fan of their hyped highlighters, but I absolutely loved the Ultimate Coverage foundation and Aqua Luminous concealer. It’s sad to see brands go away, but unfortunately they won’t be the only ones. I hope that the employees will be able to find positions at other cosmetic brands.

Lesley Avatar

I wonder if we are now going to see the cosmetic giants shutting down their smaller middle end brands. The pandemic must have exposed a lot of weaknesses in their portfolios. Hopefully EL is large enough to be able to offer jobs to the Becca staff elsewhere in the company. I know this brand is beloved by many but Becca’s esthetic did not work for me and I own only a few blushes that I bought at TJ Maxx. I sampled the primer and other base products but did not like them enough to purchase.

Maya Avatar

I agree, I think the glut of pre-pandemic acquisitions for the 4 big players is straining their recourses now. I wouldn’t be surprised if more brand closures followed. A shame, as Becca was one of the first Australian brands that caught my eye

Brian Avatar

The under eye brightener is one of the only truly holy grail items for me. I use it daily! Oh this is such a shame, not just because I’ll be losing a product I like but I feel for everyone at Becca.

Zia Avatar

Oh dang. They had some real winners over the years but I have to admit I haven’t bought anything from them in a while. I was looking forward to trying their Backlight primer since I just received it in a beauty box so… hopefully I don’t fall in love with it LOL

Jolanda Avatar

Just keep wondering what other brands are on the chopping block. And if the formulas and products, including the staff, that were succesfull can be lifted over to other brands of the company. I think it would fit within Clinique, Bobbi Brown, Smashbox or Estee Lauder Kaïn brand. So that it is easier and cheaper for the holding and that only the name BECCA goes. Like Unilever did with their brands years ago. Fingers crossed…

BrandiD Avatar

Bummer! They were one of the few brands to put out a foundation without cyclopentasiloxane (I’m allergic) and I really like some of their core products. OTOH, I have been seeing a lot of their products at TJX stores lately so it’s not a complete shock. But I do think this pandemic might spell the death of the brands that skewed “older” and were not marketing to the Tik Tok generation.

Genevieve Avatar

OMG – how awful that such a good brand that bought us all those beautiful highlighters and blushes, has had to close down. All those people, who worked for them, now will be unemployed.
I guess this is what happens when the leadership team don’t quite listen to their customer base too.

Michelle Avatar

Why can’t it be ColourPop – I’m so sick of their weekly releases. Yawn. So over seeing their stuff, it’s ridiculous at this point. I’ll miss Becca, I use and love a lot of their products.

Shawne Avatar

I’m so sad and shocked by this news! I can think of several other brands I thought this would’ve happened to before Becca. I stocked up on a few things today but I will miss them so much!

Jessi M Avatar

It’s too bad, but just a month ago or so I was thinking that they had discontinued all of their best products over the years (their stick foundation, those sheer tints in a tube) and really lost direction…Farewell…

Yasmin Avatar

I really loved Becca. There were many releases lately that haven’t been amazing, which was a bummer, but I’ll always cherish my lovely hi lights. I’ll miss them.

Rebecca Avatar

Sadly I’m not entirely surprised considering ELC also shut down Prescriptives, which back in the day was the de-facto brand for customizable foundations. If I were to guess which makeup brand at ELC would have been on the chopping block, though, it would have been Too Faced and not Becca. I guess Too Faced has been saved ultimately by having its best selling product be Better Than Sex mascara, which is easier to wear with a mask on these days. I couldn’t even tell you what else Too Faced makes … the rest of the line seems overhyped and childish. Becca on the other hand has produced some quality foundations, highlighters, and lipsticks. I think they leaned into gaudy influencer promotions in recent years, which made their brand seem clownish for no apparent reason. Most of their face products are of a high enough quality that they speak for themselves. Hindsight is 20/20 but perhaps they would have been on better footing if they placed more emphasis on the quality of the products in their marketing. It was only a few years ago ELC bought Becca so I would be interested in a business case study on what sent them spiraling. Regardless, the closure is unfortunate and I feel for the employees who have lost their jobs as a result.

Rachael Galczynski Avatar

This came as such a surprise to me. I feel like there are other brands I would’ve thought would go under before Becca. Its a shame though; I probably would have bought more products from Becca cosmetics but I’m extremely light skinned and a majority of their products were too dark for my skintone to be useful. I loved that champagne highlighter but it was a little too dark to be a highlighter on my skin, but thats a difficulty in general with a lot of highlighters for me. Its sad; I always loved the glow you can get from some Becca products and they were products that didn’t irritate my skin too. Its a loss for sure.

Donna Avatar

WOW!!! How sad. Becca used to have some brilliant products and then a few years ago they just seemed to do nothing but release the shimmer this and that. The only product I use now is the under eye brightener.

This shows how scary things are for companies now and how easy it is for them to go under.

Tiffany Avatar

Thats really sad, several of their products are HGs of mine. The Hydra Mist Set and Refresh Setting Powder and their Anti Fatigue Under Eye Balm (can’t remember the exact name right now) are two products i can’t do my makeup without. I hope this doesn’t happen with a lot of other brands now.

Domenica Avatar

This is sad to me, i feel that becca is the only Cosmetics company that has that glistening glow in their complexion products that noone has come close to duplicating. J hill’s mood powder in brighten is a nice one but not a becca one! I legit am loving the skin tint and the lip balms hard right now. I always achieve a mature natural Radiance with these products. This sucks. I should have known bc it was working for me it would go away :(.

April Avatar

I’ve never tried any. I wear so little product on my face. Just my moisturizer and then a primer, with a light brush of blush. I sure hate to watch things like this happen. I agree, why can’t it be CP. A teen mothers worst nightmare. So over it I don’t even glance at their new stuff. The creator of BECCA is still sitting pretty though. She was one of the lucky ones to at least make it to the big times, right?

Julia Avatar

Strange news, mostly because one would think that the Lauder umbrella would shield them from closure. But I lost interest in Becca mostly when they were sold to Lauder. The line was so beautiful in its original iteration- the tinted moisturizers, powders and cream blushes especially were beautiful and pigmented. The eyeshadow range was small but had a well-edited selection of both cream and powder shades. The beach tints were pretty and long lasting. They had their shimmer products that were glowy but not radioactive. It felt like a line that real people could use and it morphed into something that looked like everything else- some kind of mashup of Bare Minerals and the new Stila (speaking of brands that have lost the charm of their original selves before they were sold). The quality of the products was fine, but nothing felt special, exceptional, or particularly pretty to look at on your vanity or bathroom counter.

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