Glamlite x Scooby Doo Collection Swatches

is a brand that I’ve known about for a bit but haven’t purchased from prior. The Scooby Doo collaboration seemed well-done and very much in the spirit of the series, and it saw the launch of two eyeshadow palettes that were smaller than the brand typically does (one reason I haven’t jumped to review the brand).

Apologies for the quality of the product photos; I thought I had already exported the photos I took onto my computer prior to erasing the memory card, but alas… that was not accurate, so I had to re-shoot photos after I had already taken photos and done swatches originally.


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Mariella Avatar

Honestly, the more I get to know you, the more I can’t get over how alike we are in so many ways!!!

Rehab is going forward….some days are not so good (the day I saw the surgeon, he gave me this stern dressing down about how my leg isn’t bending and straightening enough and blah blah blah). If someone – anyone – if he or his resident or anyone had told me NOT to be held back by the pain, I’d have pushed harder but I figured that if it hurt a lot, I should back off. Well, apparently that’s not the case and Dr. W said that I can’t damage the new knee by forcing it beyond what seems bearable. Sure – easy for HIM to talk! My physios both say I’m doing really well and that until the staples come out (which happened when I saw the surgeon on Wednesday) progress IS slow, but that telling off from the surgeon really discouraged me. And I find that by the end of the day, I am really tired, cold and in a fair bit of pain – poor husband (aka Nursie) is bearing the brunt of me being cranky and in pain by about 6 or 7 in the evening.

There are/were so many good kids’ cartoons and tv shows; I never understood why Scooby Doo was even on the air!

BrandiD Avatar

I really wish that Ruh Roh Raggy had included at least one orange shade — can’t be Scooby Doo without a bit of that 70s orange? Otherwise, the color story looks neat, and I do think this will appeal to collectors and people who do theatrical makeup. My Gen Z kids and their friends use makeup somewhat differently than we do — more editorial — so I can definitely see these being popular even though I’m not sure they have as much nostalgia for Scooby Doo as the rest of us.

Genevieve Avatar

What a darn nuisance for you Christine – especially with your hand and all!
I never watched the original series, but as for these palettes – the swatches (which you have kindly redone) look pretty good. I spy some lovely shimmery shades there – Creeps and Crawls 3 & 4 – gorgeous teals and in the other palette – Shade 5.

janine Avatar

I hate redo’s like that. I ordered that nude palette months ago but haven’t gotten it. Shipping was sooo high doubt I reorder again but I love the purple/teals.

What you guys didn’t like scooby? Wow that was my childhood.

Brian Avatar

I get along well with Glamite’s formulas and I love these color stories and the price being $20 feels like I’m getting away with something. I don’t want them to raise their prices but I am genuinely surprised they are keeping their prices low when I know they could have charged more for these.

Ari Avatar

I seem to be in the minority of people here who actually like the cartoon! I grew up with the 2000s show, What’s New Scooby-Doo?, and the (admittedly cringey but brilliantly cast) live-action movies, so I have a soft spot for the series and characters. That said, I picked these palettes and highlighters up and I have found them an absolute dream to work with so far! Especially the shimmers. Highly recommend if you like dark and colorful palettes.

Maureen Avatar

I agree the collection seems well done and true to the series. However this isn’t for me. For starters while I think certain scooby doo series have a reasonable charm and only really dislike the scrappy doo era, I wouldn’t call myself a fan either. As for the palettes themselves there are a lot of my favourite colors to wear as clothing and nail polish (aside from the chartreuse-y greens, which absolutely belong for the theme), but I’m not confident they’d work on my eyes, especially since the palettes seem to be quite dark. And some of the mattes look questionable. But there are some gorgeous shades here so these would certainly be fun for the right person.

Jane Avatar

I like the smaller palettes, think that the colors are great, and the swatches seem promising, BUT I’m not a monster person, even if I was a Scooby Doo watcher as a kid. As far as would I buy them, no as I just don’t see wearing most of the colors.

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