Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #679 (Well, Saturday, Oops!)

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

Let's Chat!

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Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Moira Beauty Shadow Pots, Makeup by Mario Ethereal Eyes palette, Natasha Denona Retro Glam palette.

Weekend plans: Editing photos/swatches presently, hoping to post those shortly, and then dupes/reviews.

What’s your favorite genre of book to read or movie to watch? Mostly romance for books and then animation for movies!

Psst… since it’s Friday and we’re heading into the weekend, if you have some downtime, consider playing one of the games hubby and I have created! 🙂 You’ll find all of our games on Awordy, but here’s a breakdown of what we have so far:

  • Adoptle (guess the name of an adoptable pet in six guesses)
  • Concludle (figure out the subject within six clues)
  • Flipplant (figure out the plant using a mix of text- and image-based clues)
  • Mislettered (guess one letter at a time to figure out the phrase/quote)
  • Word Frenzy (find as many words from the letters available before the shark devours them)

This week's doggo photo/video...

Share your pet photos to the Temptalia Pets flickr group!


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Celesta Avatar

Recent Purchases: I just got a couple blushed from Kaleidos.

Rediscoveries: nothing in particular!

Weekend plans: Just boring adult stuff. Though it’s snowing today for the first time this season and it’s a lovely day to sit by the fire and read and watch movies.

What’s your favorite genre of book to read or movie to watch? I love a good dystopia! I just finished reading Cloud Cuckoo Land and really loved it.

Seraphine Avatar

OMG, the adorableness is in overdrive! Winnie is so patient and sweet with them.

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: I’ve been sick for the past week, so I haven’t worn any makeup or done any shopping other than flu-related purchases (and a pair of black Crown Vintage Yuliana boots that I ordered in the middle of the night when my cough was keeping me awake…lol).

Weekend Plans: Since I’m still getting over the flu, I’m staying in all weekend, eating soup, drinking tea, and doing a lot of binge-watching (in the middle of “Devil in Ohio” right now. It’s just ok.)

What’s your favorite genre of book to read or movie to watch? Depends on my mood. Lately, I’ve been reading/watching a lot of horror, which is typical for me around Halloween every year. I have very eclectic taste, so I don’t have a favorite genre, though I generally dislike action/superhero and tearjerker movies and books.

Genevieve Avatar

I am not surprised you have become ill Seraphine, with all of those work pressures plus the changing of the seasons. Buying a pair of new boots sounds like the perfect pick me up too. I hope you get better quickly – do you have sick leave? Maybe a few extra days off will help you to get over it. Take care.

Seraphine Avatar

Thanks, Genevieve. Fortunately, my boss is pretty sympathetic to illness. I accumulated hundreds of sick hours over the 20+ years I’ve been at this company, so I took most of last week off. Also, I’ll be working from home for the next few days until I feel 100%. Psyched about the boots. They arrive tomorrow. My justification for buying a sixth pair of black lace-up boots is that I don’t own a pair with a brown stacked heel. (At least I have a justification for buying these boots, unlike my constant purchasing of nude lipsticks and neutral eyeshadow palettes!)

Nancy T Avatar

If apartment complexes allowed Pitties, that brindle baby would be one that I would let myself fall for! What a BEAUTY!

Purchases/rediscoveries: Ordered and received my Hourglass Tiger Face palette yesterday even though I literally ordered during the LAST 3 or 4 minutes left in the Sephora Rouge sale! Hourglass FINALLY came through with a palette that is PERFECT for richer skintones, but also one that us darker medium, tan and thereabouts can also use very easily. Also received my order from Sydney Grace for the In Mel’s Memory bundle, and it looks so much better in its range of depth than the Natasha Denona Retro Glam Midi. I believe that these are two purchases that I will get plenty of use from.

Weekend plans: It’s a DOOZY. My psychiatrist dropped the ball. He was SUPPOSED to have submitted my medication for anxiety at night due to PTSD and severe insomnia issues, and he FAILED. New guy who took over for my previous Doc. He leaves me feeling super unimpressed and totally uncared for in the professional sense. Last night, I only had bits and pieces of some light sleep. And despite being exhausted, I also feel hyper mentally but not physically??? Oh well. Gotta do laundry, so here’s hoping that will wear me out completely enough to sleep tonight!

What’s your favorite genre of book to read or movie to watch? Books? Probably history or something science fiction. Movies (or TV series)? Fantasy, sci-fi or something that I can relate to on some level. I’ve probably watched The Color Purple and What’s Love Got To Do With It multiple times. Because I understand that one can rise above the worst that others dole out. Not perfectly, but not destroyed, either.

Susan Nevling Avatar

Nancy. I agree with you about pitties. My daughter has 3. She is in Pittbull rescue.
I’m sorry you are going through all these issues. It s so difficult to find a therapist of any kind who clicks with you. They are also so very busy too. I have chronic depression so understand the system you are trying to navigate.

Nancy T Avatar

I’m so happy to hear that your daughter is a Pittie rescuer, Susan! I only ever had one dog in my entire life, and she was a very sweet, protective (of me) Pittie that I had for just 2 years.

As for my new psychiatrist who took over for my previous one after she left that particular practice, he’s definitely very understanding and helpful in that respect, but lousy at getting my meds filled without my leaving MULTIPLE messages and such! Very, very frustrating. Plus, I didn’t even realize that Veterans Day fell on a Friday this year until Thursday afternoon, either!

Genevieve Avatar

What an idiot that new psychiatrist is for not submitting your medication – I think I would be getting a new one. Of all people, he should know how vital it is for your health and well being. Yep, I would be unimpressed as well.
Hopefully a bout of laundry will do the trick. Best wishes Nancy.

Nancy T Avatar

He’s fairly new at this particular clinic, and he took the place of the one who I had for roughly a year after the one before her left. So, there’s been a recently rapid turnover there. Likely that they dumped far too many patients on this guy without giving him the assistance or support he needed as a backup. My first 6 years there, I had the same Doc. But, then came the pandemic and many more new people, both in caseloads and new Docs. Very chaotic!

Nancy T Avatar

Yeah, it’s been pretty messed up ever since the other 2 Docs left, Rachel. I’m not sure what caused the 2nd lady to leave, but I do know that the 1st one left for a better income shortly after getting her 2nd degree. Being Arizona, I’d have to go with them looking for higher paying clinics or practices? But I miss them BOTH so much!

BrandiD Avatar

Recent Purchases: I bought a shade lighter in the new Lancome Care & Glow foundation, since my summer “tan” has faded. Went from 125W to 120N. Have also been wearing the new Hourglass Ambient Light Foundation in 3.0, which is light enough that I think it will be my dead-of-winter color. It is heavy, but wearable over moisturizer or sunscreen and does give a very nice smooth finish. Also picked up a couple of cleansers at Ulta’s sale, and got the new Colourpop Fairy Well palette. Which I know I said I did NOT need, but the packaging was so pretty! And I’m wearing it today, and I might be in love. It’s both basic enough for daytime and glam enough for evening, and I didn’t have any trouble blending the colors. I did see a tiny bit of fallout, but that was fixed by tapping my brush before application. I had a coupon, and I’m really glad I decided to spend it on that. Also picked up the 3-pack of Colourpop lippie stix from the Target collection this morning — the set I got was IYKYK, with Parker, Brink and Ziggie. I’m really looking forward to trying it.

Weekend Plans: Our house is being repiped due to plumbing issues so….we’re just waiting around at my MIL’s for that to finish. Hence why I’ve been doing a little retail pick-me-up….

Favorite Genre: For everything, it is science fiction and fantasy. Books, TV, movies; if they’re scifi or fantasy I’m probably at least curious if not actively invested.

Rachel R. Avatar

*Zeesea Diamond Series Waterproof Long Lasting colorful Mascara in Wisteria Flower, Dark Cerulean, and Red Wine.
*Moira Beauty Eyeshadow Primer. Lip Exposure Pencil in Plum It Up, Mulberry Purple, and Posh Pink. Flirty Lip Pencil in Rose.Glow Getter Hydrating Lip Oil in Bubble Pink. Afterparty Matte Lips in Funky Music, Death Drop, and Drop the Beat.

Recovering from my flu shot. I finally got a migraine preventative, so far so good. I’m not up to the full dose yet. I’m sleeping much better, too.

Scheduling COVID Bivalent boosters and flu shots for the family. I’ve got just my older son left.


Horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. Also, true crime.

Nancy T Avatar

Now you’ve got me very interested in Moira Beauty! The names of the shades are very punchy and fun, a little like either Fenty or About Face, it sounds like?
And also so happy for you that the beta blocker is working! Sometimes, that line of meds is the magic, evasive “bullet” to at least minimize the excruciating pain that comes with migraines. Definitely helps with reducing the intensity of mine, which has been a literal lifesaver.

Genevieve Avatar

OMG – those puppies are just so gorgeous – and Winnie is just so patient with them! What joy they must bring you Christine.

Recent Purchases: No genuine Black Friday beauty sales here, but one of our budget beauty shops Priceline had a half price sale on some EL perfumes that I liked, back in the day, so I got a bottle of Sensuous and White Linen.

Rediscoveries: I have used ND’s Glam a bit this week and it is such a great neutral palette.

Weekend Plans: Everything is fairly low key at the moment – just recovering after some post covid nausea and a bit of fatigue.
My younger son has found out that he has scarring on his lungs from covid and his abnormal heart rhythm is being checked out by a cardiologist next week. We are hoping that his problems are easily fixed – but quite worried about him.
Our weather continues to be quite tropical – hot, steamy and humid – with lots and lots of rain.

Favourite book to read/movie to watch: I tend to like murder mystery kind of books and my favourite authors include: Garry Disher, Chris Hammer and Jane Harper – all of which have new books out that I have reserved through the local libray. I am not a movie watcher as such, but do like a good detective series – some Scandi Noir and British crime drama.

Seraphine Avatar

Glad you’re feeling better. I hope your son’s issues turn out ok. ND’s Glam palette is the one I’ve been going back and forth on for quite some time. I got close to buying it during Sephora’s 20% sale, but bought two Dior palettes instead. I know I don’t NEED the Glam palette, and I definitely won’t pay full price for it, but if there’s another sale, I’m not sure if my willpower will hold up…

Genevieve Avatar

Thank you for your good wishes Seraphine, I am feeling much better today. As for ND’s Glam – it’s a lovely neutral palette and I bought it because the majority of the shades were shimmery, with very few mattes. The shimmers are almost metallic and if you don’t like lots of shimmer etc then this palette would not be for you.
The Dior palettes are much more subtle in their satin/shimmer shades than Glam and would be perfect for you.

Seraphine Avatar

Thank you so much, Genevieve…you just effectively talked me out of ND Glam! I already have a collection of great neutral palettes by Urban Decay, ColourPop, Tarte, and Dior, so I really don’t need anymore. Money saved!

Genevieve Avatar

Thank you Rachel. This weekend he was not too bad – no breathlessness, but just headachey. His symptoms come and go and he can never predict how he is going to feel. With three young children and a full time (demanding) job, it’s been very hard on him.

Genevieve Avatar

Thank you Nancy. If anyone was going to get long covid – it would have been Nicholas. He has always been the sickest of our two kids. His symptoms come and go and some weeks they have almost disappeared and then they come back. He has probably had covid twice. We are just waiting for him to see the cardiologist and take it from there. The thing is – that his original case of covid was actually quite mild – because he had been fully vaccinated. The after affects have been much worse than the original illness.
Thank you for your prayers – they are greatly appreciated.

Mariella Avatar

Recent purchases: nothing – still not mobile enough to get out shopping; rediscoveries – Dior’s Jungle e/s palette (I’ve been relying on it for quick and simple looks for when I have to go out (physio, surgeon followup, etc.)
Weekend plans: DH had planned to order in Chinese from our favourite place for an early dinner (he works tonight from 5 to 11) but I ended up in Urgent Care for most of the afternoon because of a delayed allergic reaction around the site of the surgery. So Chinese moves to tomorrow night. The rest of the weekend is doing my physio exercises (OUCH!) and resting and icing and if the weather is nice, taking an outside walk.
Favourite genre of book to watch or movie: books like the Helen Fielding Bridget Jones books, Kate Atkinson’s Jackson Brodie books; I like “cozy-ish” murder mysteries and some of the Nordic Noir stuff (but not too gory or explicit – I had to give up on a Jo Nesbo book – it was too gruesome in just the first few pages).

Mariella Avatar

Rachel, thank you so much. I’ve finally come to understand that every day will have some choppy waters and that this is normal and to stop stressing about it. Each day gets a bit better, sometimes a lot better so it’s all positive!

BrandiD Avatar

Mariella, have you seen the Case Histories series on Amazon Prime? It’s based on the Jackson Brodie books and Jason Isaacs plays the lead. I watched Season 1 (I believe there are 2) recently while ill, and I really enjoyed it even though it’s not my favorite genre. Hope your recovery goes smoothly from here on!

Mariella Avatar

Yes, Brandi – I’ve seen the tv series even before Amazon Prime carried it (several of them are not taken from her books, much as the more recent Shetland seasons are not based on books by Ann Cleeves but just “based on characters created by….”). I enjoyed them also but as is so often the case, much that’s in the books isn’t in the tv series. Jason Isaacs also narrated the latest in the Jackson Brodie books, with Jackson now in middle age, his daughter Marlee about to be married and his son now a surly teenager. He does a great job narrating the audio book.

Thank you for your good wishes. I know there will be ups and downs every day (as the day wears on and I get tired, everything gets worse and I have to keep reminding myself that, at least for now, that’s just the pattern of the day). Interestingly, audiobooks are one of the things getting me through. When I can’t sleep at night, I listen to James Herriot’s “All Creatures Great and Small” series and it distracts me from that night-time pain and lulls me back to sleep.

Genevieve Avatar

Gosh Mariella – that sounds pretty awful, having an allergic reaction around the site of the surgery – was it the bandages or the stitches they used? How painful and worrying that must have been.
I hope you got to eat your Chinese meal last night though. It sounds like you are making some progress if you are able to walk/hobble around.
I stopped reading Jo Nesbo as well – far too graphic (and unnecessarily so) for me too.

Mariella Avatar

It was adhesive that held the dressing (some high tech sort of thing) in place. So no reaction on the stitches, just the 2 inch margin where the “glue” was. Cortisone and oral antihistamines are resolving it but honestly, I’ve been taking so many pills that I must rattle when I walk!

Funny that we had the same reaction to Jo Nesbo. I was reading one called The Leopard and couldn’t get past the first few pages (a device called Leopold’s Apple – totally SICK – just turned me right off and I’ve not tried any other of his books).

Nikki Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: My first Sephora sale order-PMG Celestial Nirvana palette, backup Fenty Amber Match Stix, and backup UDPP-arrived Wednesday. My second sale order-NARS Powermatte Killer Queen, American Woman, Notorious, and Too Hot to Hold lipsticks-was listed as delayed on Thursday, but arrived on my doorstep today!

Weekend plans: Worked all day and weekly grocery run yesterday, hiding from the start of a week-long cold snap today, not sure about tomorrow.

What’s your favorite genre of book to read or movie to watch? I don’t really have a favorite genre-maybe nonfiction for books?

Ana Maria Avatar

Recent Purchases: Nothing (yet, waiting on those Black Friday deals 😆 )

Weekend plans: Visiting a special exhibit in San Francisco, some city exploring, a matinée opera, a hike round the lake… it’s been another bad week so I had to keep things locally and try to keep my mind busy with the small things.

What’s your favorite genre of book to read or movie to watch? On one hand… I love thrillers… dark complex characters that build up and uncover nuances as the story evolves; painfully real story lines; books/movies that make you pause several times and just meditate on a message that drills in your brain or heart. But without being too… horror or gruesome… I love a story that can frighten you without blood and monsters.
On the other hand I love fantasy… seeing what worlds the imagination can create. But fantasy stories that hide metaphors of the real world… and a little bit of dark humor.

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