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Free for Haul Friday, Volume #433

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

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  • Haul: Cover FX Power Play Foundation, Guerlain Parure Gold Radiance Foundation, Anastasia spring collection (except bronzers), Hakuhodo brushes
  • Weekend plans: It’ll be the usual for me, which means blogging (mostly writing is the goal).
  • What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: We saw Hamilton earlier this month! (It lived up to the hype!)

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Joan Avatar

I am wildly jealous you got to see Hamilton, Lin Manuel Miranda always musically gets me. In the Heights was my favorite musical about 10 years ago and my love of Moana music is pretty strong for an adult woman.

Haul: Anastasia Soft Glam…it has many singles I had been meaning to buy so it appealed to me. And Amrezy Highlight, I have to work with it to make it work on my skin, but I like it!

Weekend plans: One of my best friends just got engaged so there will be some celebrating and planning. Topped with some planning for my other best friend’s 90’s themed birthday party in 2 weeks!

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: I saw Tom Segura in November, but I am hoping to go see Spring Awakening soon.

Katherine T. Avatar

Perfect caption for that pic!
*Haul -Devinah eye shadows in Suki, Zane, Freya, Passion, Crixus, Runa, Esme. MAC Versicolor Lipstain in Resilient Rouge – Hautelook shipped and delivered it within 3 days. I’m floored!!!
*Weekend – taking a friend out to birthday dinner
*My daughter’s Christmas play, we have some funny pics

Ginny Avatar

HAUL: Just ordered lipsticks from Nars and Guerlain, will report next week.

WEEKEND: Wrapping up the Olympics. USA made it to a curling final for the first time ever so I’m pretty pumped. Condolences to all Canadians as this has been a few days of disappointment in some of their favored events (but I have still seen medals go your way this week–ladies skating, ski cross, short track!). Don’t know if there are any Norwegians here but you guys are crushing the medal count!

I can’t even remember the last concert, play or game I went to… it’s been a year or two.

Ginny Avatar

Are you in the same time zone? The time difference over here in North America is so confusing haha. The curling game was on until 4:00am! It’s once every two years (including Summer) so I feel compelled to watch it. The athletes work so hard they deserve to be watched and cheered.

Nicole D Avatar

Yep, but we’re still ahead of you with 28 medals vs 22 (third place is a good one). Jokes aside, I go nuts about the skating, the skateboarding and the super-G. As for the Norwegians, let’s just say, as a consolation, that they are Vikings 🙂

Ginny Avatar

Generally I also prefer the events that are straightforward races of time or scoreboard (the judge judgy stuff can seem arbitrary at times) but I have to say one of my favorite moments was Virtue and Moir’s ice dance. They were AMAZING. I cried.

Nicole D Avatar

They were amazing! They moved to Montreal after Sochi to work with a new team (we have some very good choreographers here). Such a talent and chemistry between them! I must say I loved the French pair as well (Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron); what a shame that she had a wardrobe malfunction at the beginning of the routine. She had to go until the end praying that the top of the dress will hold on.

Ginny Avatar

The French were great (she wore more coverage the second night!) and I’m glad the USA Sibs grabbed bronze but your pair was absolutely sizzling. No contest.

Nicole D Avatar

Ginny, I must say that the highest honour should go to your guy, the freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy who helped shut down a South Korean dog meat farm and who will bring 90 of the pups to the US and Canada, including one he’s adopting for himself. At the 2014 games in Sochi, Russia, he saved five strays that were roaming around the city.

Christina D. Avatar

Haul: Palettes galore! ABH Soft Glam; LimeCrime Venus XL; Black Moon Orb of Light; Viseart Tryst; Colourpop On The Daily; Colourpop No Limit.

Weekend Plans: Besides my usual training at the gym, this will be the first weekend in a long time that I don’t have some errand to run or some place to be so who knows?

Most Recent Live Event: I saw my favorite person in the whole world, Sir Paul McCartney, at MSG in September. Sigh. 🙂

monica Avatar

That side eye from Mellan though lol

Haul: Probably going to haul some stamps from Studio Calico…seriously my new favorite place to get crafty things

Weekend plans: I’m trying to do a massive clean this weekend, but who knows where the weekend will take me haha

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: BSB in Atlanta last October 😀
Next will be OTown in March

Jessica Avatar

Haul: I ordered the Pat McGrath Labs Decadence IV palette (I can’t wait for it to arrive) which will include a deluxe sample of CoverFX’s Glitter highlighter, and I got two of the Bad Habit palettes that are supposed to be dupes of the Natasha Denona palettes b/c I wanted to see if they live up to the hype. I do have two ND products so I have something to compare it to when I finally get a chance to try them.

Weekend plans: funeral on Saturday, photoshoot on Saturday, and then family time and hopefully some sleep. I might try to go see Black Panther again.

Last Live Event: I saw Leslie Odom Jr. in concert with the St. Louis Symphony in December. It was amazing.

Joyce Avatar

Guerlain Parure Gold? I haven’t heard those words in years! Since it’s Radiance, was the other one more matte?

Haul: No7 Match Made bronzer in Caramel. Finally. It’s been on my list for months, but it’s so hard to track down in person so I just ordered on Target.

Weekend plans: My husband will finally be home so probably go out for a dinner and lots of farting around the house. Yay!

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: Rend Collective concert over 2 years ago. They were awesome! They brought their panda costumes and everything. Look up the music video for You Will Never Run!

Tammy Avatar

Haul: I’m still just observing new releases, other things I want, and waiting for my mind to settle on a few special items before I make anymore purchases. I will probably pick something up in the next week or so.

I have been wondering about the Path McGrath Mothership palettes. For those who own them, what are your thoughts?

Shopping my stash: I just have to say, I REALLY love my stash! I get so excited discovering new favorites in my previous purchases. This week I did a complete look with Anastasia’s Subculture palette (my first time using it without dipping into another palette. It was a bit challenging (the formula is tricky) but it turned out really nice. I also discovered MUFE’s Black Rose (d830) and I can’t believe I’ve never used it before, it is such a beautiful color! I made an eye look with Pearl (i528) on inner 1/3, Olive Grey on middle of lid, and Black Rose on outer V. Really nice! For blushes this week I dipped into MAC’s Pinch Me and Lorac’s Aura. My favorite lip look this week was a combination of UD’s eyeliner in Anatomy, UD’s Epigram lipstick, topped with NAR’s gloss in Aragon. I used Lancome’s Mauvelle lipliner with Lancome’s lipstick in All Done Up (two of my favorites for the past decade), and Buxom’s Full On Lip Polish in Stacy took this combo to a whole new level. Today is am loving Lancome’s Nude lipliner, Estée Lauder’s Intense Nude, and Jouer’s lip
Topper in St. Tropez. Wish you could see it in person, a picture could not do it justice.

Weekend plans: Workout (RPM class) on Saturday, cook meals for week ahead, and working at Bergners on Sunday. Not sure what we’re watching this weekend as we finished Game of Thrones last weekend.

Last live event: We go see live plays at the local Shakespeare festival every summer.

Tammy Avatar

Genevieve, I am really enjoying my new job. I have always been into fitness and healthy diet, and in my new position I get to coach people with healthy diet and exercise choices while also attending to their psychological issues. One of the nurses at one of the clinics is preparing to compete in a muscle competition and I love talking to her about her diet and workout routine.

I also love the driving, which is a pleasant surprise. I am at different clinics everyday, so I get to see some of the local scenery. It isn’t so pretty now, as we are in the deep dark of winter, but spring, summer and fall should be a joy to behold.

Genevieve Avatar

It’s great news that you have slotted into your new position so easily and offering sound dietry and pyschological advice to others. So many young people follow the latest guru on the internet and really mess with their metabolism and well being.
It’s also good too to be out and driving around – it can give you a break between clients and sessions.
Best wishes to the nurse competing in a muscle competion – I have never heard of that before.

Nicole D Avatar

Tammy, you are such an inspiration every time I read you. And the looks you posted on Instagram are amazing!
I have been on a no-buy since the beginning of the year and I can say that I enjoy immensely to shop my stash and rediscover hidden treasures. I finally caved in and bought two pieces from Chanel Dernières Neiges Collection but aside from this, I will go on with my plan of shopping my stash, unless some really interesting releases come up.

Tammy Avatar

Thank you for your kind words, Nicole. You should share your stash discoveries too!

One of the nice results of being on a low/no-buy is that when you do purchase something, it brings a great deal of joy, unlike over-purchasing, which for me has sometimes caused me stress. Not that I will not buy a quantity of products at one time again in the future, but I really just am appreciating the feeling of buying one or two special purchases, enjoying them, and incorporating them into my stash.

What did you get from the Chanel Dernieres Neiges collection? I am still loving my choices from last year’s Chanel Spring collections. Incantevole is on my radar but I’m not sure yet if it will be a purchase for me.

Nicole D Avatar

I planned a no-buy this year for lipsticks as I have way too many; last week I rotated five (YSL Tatouage Liquid Lipstick in Nude Emblem/ Marc Jacob Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/ LM Lipstick in Damask/Clinique lipstick in Bare Pop/Nudestix Lip Pencil in Pulse).
From Chanel Dernières Neiges collection I bought the eye quad – 302 Première Éclosion and the compact Premières Fleurs Harmony of Powders. Both are gorgeous. I love the softness of the eyeshadows and the fact that you can build up the intensity.

Julia Avatar

Haul: ordered the 2 new Nails, Inc. duos from Sephora, “Self Made Mermaid” and “Champagne Shine.” I should get them tomorrow. I have and love the Unicorn duo from the holidays and it’s a great deal considering you get a 2-for-1 price.

Weekend plans: Heading downtown tonight, my employer sponsored a table at a fundraiser gala type event tonight and I’m going along with some work friends. It’s being hosted at a pretty swanky venue, should be fun!

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: Florence + The Machine with Of Monsters and Men. It was a great show!

Nancy T Avatar

Mellan, I feel ya, Buddy! (Yep, lady next door is at it *again*) Being robbed of sleep makes me grumble, too!

Haul: NOTHING!!! ? Saving for my new digs! And some new furniture, too.

Weekend plans: Just my usual schitck. Hair tomorrow, meeting Sunday. Right index fingernail finally grew out enough, that I just went ahead and cut them all down short and have a boring almost nude shade on. That one nail looks a bit misshapen, like an animal bit into it and took a bite out! (Not to worry, only a kitten sized nip!)

What was the last live event you went to? To be perfectly honest, I cannot even remember what it was! It’s been a very, very long while since I’ve attended any live anything. However, the other night, I got to live vicariously through my son attending his first concert! He and his friend went to see a band called Icon For Hire. So many bands I would have loved to see perform live, though!

Lesley Avatar

Haul: Wet n Wild Cushion Foundation and NYX cream eyeshadow in Get Money. I have already given up on the foundation. I don’t think it is the right formula for textured skin like mine. But I doubt I will spend the time and carfare to bring it back to Ulta.

Weekend plans. The usual errands, grocery shopping, etc.

Last live event: We went to a hula dance concert in the park when we were in Hawaii last month. I don’t go to many live events, which is kind of inexcusable since I live in the Big City.

Michele @Binxcat4ever Avatar

Besame: Snow White (pre-order) – I’m Wishing Palette, Keep Singing Palette

DedCool: Chazstick Rosé ‘Limited Edition

Kyse Perfumes: Foaming Bath Butter (Confit de Rose, Vanille Debauche, Fumee Vanille, Mandorlo Cioccolato)

Sephora: Artist Couture Diamond Glow Powder (Broadway), KVD Studded Kiss Crème trial size (Double Dare)

Solstice Scents: White Feather 60 ml

Ulta ($5 off): Too Faced – La Creme Mystical Effects Lipstick (Angel, Fairy), Magic Crystal Lip Topper (Unicorn), Better Than Sex Mascara (deluxe, GWP)

Ulta ($5 off): Nyx Professional Pigment Primer and Worth the Hype Mascara (BOGO50), FLOWER Beauty – Galactic Glow Holographic Palette, Flower Pots Powder Blush (Warm Hibiscus), Plus some nail care items

Urban Decay ($10 off): Naked Petite Heat

Walgreens: Jordana – Cosmic Glow Holographic Lip Gloss (Galactic Blue, Iridescent Purple), Glow N’ Go Creamy Strobing Stick (Pearl Glow), Sculpt N’ Go Creamy Contour Stick (Light), Triple Play All Over Color (Petal Pink)

Weekend plans: Taking my Mom to lunch for her 88th birthday tomorrow. Sunday brunch with my daughter.

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: Phantom of the Opera

Tammy Avatar

I love the Artist Couture highlighters. I bought one for my daughter and she used it to highlight all the kids’ faces in my granddaughter’s Christmas play. (Lea did the make up for all.) It added a little something to the experience for me: I not only enjoyed the musical but I also really enjoyed watching for that moment when the light hit the cheeks of all those little elves.

I am really interested in Too Faced festival releases. This collection has caught my eye, I love shimmery unicorn colors.

Michele @Binxcat4ever Avatar

The Artist Couture are fantastic! Oh my gosh that had to be so adorable!!! I couldn’t believe how many more shades there were available on the brand site. I may order more directly from the brand. I reviewed (mini) and swatched all of the lipsticks and one of the glosses from Too Faced on my blog. All of them are good (with Mermaid and Unicorn being the more opaque). I was shocked since I had almost given up on the brand. I skipped the palette since I have way too many dupes and with its large size it would be hard to store. I know the refresh spray is a gimmick but might get it for use in the Summer.

Deborah S. Avatar

My computer is acting up again so I typed and as I pushed to post my screen went blank so not sure if what I posted actually went through. If there are two of these then I apologize!! It doesn’t show up as waiting to be approved so pretty sure it didn’t go through.

Neiman Marcus: Chanel Ombre Premier Powder in Tisane and Premier Cream in Silver Screen. Guerlain Kiss Kiss Lipstick in Sexy Coral and Guerlain Lip Primer.

Beautilish: Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat in Pink Venus. Viseart Tryst palette and Wayne Goss Eye Brush Set.

Feel Unique: L’Oréal Color Riche Lipstick in Copper Crush.

Ebay: L’Oréal Color Riche Lipstick in Brick Vintage.

Sephora: Hourglass Finishing Powder in Ethereal Light, Hourglass blush in Diffused Light and Hourglass Powder in Diffused Bronze Light. Dior Lipsticks in Sexy Coral and Lip Balm in 04. Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer in Pink, Stila Glitter and Glow Eye Shadow in Wanderlust and a 100 point perk Stila Glitter and Glow in Kitten Karma. Viseart Eye Primer and Finishing Powder. Both are knew and I haven’t tried either one. Samples: Pure Nilotica Melt Moisturizer, SuperGoop Sunscreen and Algenist Liquid Collagen.

Hakuhodo: I can’t find my list of which brush numbers I picked up but they were all small eye brushes for crease work and blending. I also picked up the small fan brush thanks to Christine. When I saw the brush on Temptalia’s IG I had to have it.

Fudejapan: Chanel Cherry Blossom Blush and Highlighter (seriously stunning embossing) , Guerlain finishing powder, Dior Snow Powder in Fair and 2 of the Dior Snow Powders in Peach (one for my daughter who will be able to use as a blush or highlighter) and the Suqqu Rose Face Primer.

Weekend plans: Staying home to man the water buckets as the roof leak is back. I can’t wait for summer so I can get it fixed once and for all. Also beginning an on-line hunt for a new vehicle. I haven’t owned a vehicle for about 2 1/2 years as my ex-husband had two vehicles so I just drove one of those but he is moving home to Georgia in early April so I need to get something before he leaves. I don’t have any idea what I want and I hate dealing with car salesmen so I am going to do a lot of the leg work on the computer so I can go in with my ducks in a row.

Last live event: I saw Adele at Key Arena in Seattle last summer. What a voice. She sings so effortlessly, has a really great sense of humor and seemed like someone you could hang out with, drink a couple of beers and tell jokes with. Really lovely night.

Deborah S. Avatar

First of all, you are more than welcome to come and play with my makeup as long as you are willing to empty water buckets, LOL.
I hate to admit it but I am a high end makeup lover. Sure there are products I use that are not high end but nothing makes me happier than the beautiful packaging, the scent of high end products and the beautiful embossing that frequently appears on high end powders!!
I absolutely love the Viseart Tryst palette. It is so pretty and I am enjoying using it. I wasn’t going to get it because it is just another warm toned palette but the Viseart quality is unmistakable. The combination of the palette and the Hakuhodo brushes has just been amazing. I honestly never expected higher quality brushes to make that much of a difference in the application and the look of the shadows but it does. So those are the two immediate stand outs but honestly, all of the products have been wonderful except the Suqqu Rose Face Primer. I have a similar product from Chanel that is just suppose to brighten up the complexion and add a rosy glow to cool toned skin, before adding a foundation. I think the Chanel one is okay but it didn’t give me what I really was looking for and so I tried the L’Oréal product of the same type and that didn’t work either. Just made my skin seem greasy. So, I saw this product and decided to give it a whirl. It is nice but pretty much the same as the Chanel.
I picked up the Chanel Cherry Blossom as a possible one product to take to Europe in the fall as it has a pretty deep red/pink blush stripe, a luminous white based highlighter and a light tan that might work as a bronzer so I wouldn’t have to take a bunch of products with me. I like it so far. I have to play with it a little more.

Deborah S. Avatar

I guess it comes down to how badly you want the palette. I doubt it will be that long before it hits Sephora’s shelves.
I am an immediate gratification kind of person so once I saw it in use I was anxious to get it but honestly, if I had a gift card and it was the only thing I wanted to use that gift card on then I would wait.

Lesley Avatar

Of course it’s about me wanting a new toy. I don’t actually have many of those colors. Right now I am playing with using blushes as shadows to get the pink and peach colors and maybe that will calm me down for awhile.

Tammy Avatar

Okay, I know you said you didn’t have a list in front of you for the Hakuhodo brushes you ordered, but if you get a chance later, please share your order and your thoughts on the brushes. Ordering from Hakuhodo is like falling down the rabbit hole…

Deborah S. Avatar

Hi Genevieve,
I just answered Tammy’s comment and wanted to tell you thank you. Your positive out look makes such a difference. I can tell you are a genuinely kind person. Yes, I am enjoying my new goodies.
I am lucky in that I am not a huge car person, meaning that I don’t need a fancy car. It is just a way to get around so things that are important to me are reliability, does well in snow and ice and is relatively easy to work on. So many new vehicles are really difficult to work on and you pretty much have to take it to a dealer for even basic maintenance. I want something my brother can do most of the upkeep on. But, the absolute most important factor is being comfortable to sit in and drive. I have a pretty bad back and distances to travel in Montana are usually quite far so I need something that I can comfortably sit in for awhile. I have a little over a month to make a decision.

Genevieve Avatar

My husband is really good at picking out cars and in the past did his own maintenance, but nowadays with the computerized systems, he can’t do that. It is hard to pick a car and you definitely need one that can handle snowy roads in winter and long distance travel. Good luck with your car hunting Deborah and thank you for your kind words.

Deborah S. Avatar

Hi Michele,
It is okay. I like the feel of the powder both as I apply and as it wears. I don’t discern any scent which is great. The powder has an almost imperceptible sheen to it which makes my skin appear dewy which I like. No actual glitter or shimmer. I am very fair and with very cool undertones. This powder is very neutral on my skin and just a hair too dark. I like how it makes my skin look but the color is just off for me. I am using it with different foundations to see if I can make it work for me. I can deal with the slightly deeper tone but the lack of any cool undertone is very noticeable to me. I think if someone were more neutral and fair it would work better for them.

Sarah Avatar

Haul: I replaced my concealer and my bottle of Buffet by The Ordinary, and on top of that I took advantage of Sephora’s Weekly Wow and finally got the UD Distortion palette. I really did want it but not at the original price, I’m glad it was half off!

Weekend Plans: Cleaning the apartment, and video games. Nothing too terribly exciting but relaxing none the less!

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: I think it was The Who a few years back. 2016 I believe? I don’t remember, it was when they swung through Kansas City for their Who Hits 50 tour. FANTASTIC show, if you love classic rock you must see them before Roger and Pete finally retire!

MacKenzie G. Avatar

Haul: Ordered some products from Wet n’ Wild the day they released their spring collection (and they’re already here??). I got 3 of the new liquid eyeshadows (Pure Intension, Mystic Dreamer, and Goth Tears), as well as one on sale from their fall mermaid collection (Lara’s Necklace), and one from their new regular line (Emerald Gaze), plus two Megaglo Liquid Highlighters (Guilded Glow and Halo Gorgeous), their new Photofocus eyeshadow primer (my UD one is over 2 years old and on its last legs), and two of their crease brushes. I also placed my first order at Zoeva (fingers crossed I like it!), and I got the Matte Spectrum and Basic Moment palettes and their rose gold eye brush set. Lastly, I picked up 3 large empty Colour Pop palettes because I’m starting to spill out of my other empty palettes and MUFE discontinued their nice metal ones that I loved 🙁

Weekend Plans: Go home to enjoy “Spring” Break (i.e. study and catch up on sleep hopefully).

Last live event I saw: It’s been a little while (for me). I saw Fiddler on the Roof on campus back in November. I was sick and had to miss Grapes of Wrath earlier this month, which is fine because I really can’t stand John Steinbeck’s writing (I just always buy a season pass to my school’s theatre because it’s more cost effective).

Mags Avatar

Haul: Nothing! I’m saving up for a big trip in the next two weeks. Lots to spend there!

Weekend plans: Cleaning and hopefully catching up with friends

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: Neko Case. She sounded incredible. I felt like I was in the recording studio with her, she was so clear!

Sally O Avatar

I finally broke down and ordered the NARS Lip Cover in Hell Gate (my first color cosmetic purchase of the year, not counting subscription boxes). It just arrived last night and I’m wearing it today. I like it a lot so far – the pigmentation is unreal – but the color on me looks nothing like Christine’s photos or the listed dupes I have. NARS describes it as “black cherry,” but it’s a very brown-leaning brick red on me (similar to No. 675 from the Sarah Moon velvet lip glide set). On the plus side, I don’t think have as many dupes as I was thought I was going to, and I can try playing with my stash to get the look I was expecting.

Also, I got my Sephora Play! bag. I clearly have spent too much money at Sephora, because I already had three of the five minis they sent (Laura Mercier Caviar Stick in Rosegold, Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Rose, and Belif Moisturizing Eye Balm). They had even sent me the same exact LM Caviar Stick in the same shade in a previous Play! bag. They also sent a mini Sephora Rouge Matte Lipstick in Rebel Chic, which in addition to arriving broken, has clearly been sitting around awhile, as it’s a product that’s being discontinued (it’s on sale for $7 on the Sephora website). Since I rarely care about the perfume bonus samples, this leaves only the Farmacy Green Clean Makeup Meltaway Cleansing Balm as a product I’m interested in trying.

It’s not that I’m unhappy with the products themselves (apart from maybe the old lipstick), but it just feels like Sephora used the Play! boxes this month as a way to offload old deluxe samples from their inventory. I’ve noticed over the past few months that Sephora seems to be kind of quietly giving up on Play! The boxes are shipping later each month (at least for me), the info on the new boxes posts later and later, the info videos are harder to find, etc. It’s like they don’t want to give up on the program, but they don’t want to invest anything into it either.

Weekend plans:
I’d heard the rumor before, but it seems like Guerlain Rouge Gs are officially discontinued (at least in the US)! Everything’s sold out online, so I’ll be scouring Sephora stores to see if I can find any hanging around. Also, I just got my MoviePass card in the mail a few days ago, so I’ll be trying that out. Still seems too good to be true. If it works, though, it would be nice to catch some movies I’ve been wanting to see without paying $15-$18.50 (!!!) for a ticket.

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?:
Last October, I saw the Second City at Kennedy Center doing a Mark Twain-themed show (‘When Life Gives You Clemens’). Can’t believe it was that long ago – I feel like I used to be a lot more into going to shows …

Mags Avatar

I have a MoviePass and it works great! Honestly, I was skeptical at first, too, but I haven’t run into any issues with it and I’ve used it at least a dozen times. Enjoy it!

Lea Avatar

My bag was slightly different than yours, but my Rebel Chic also came broken; though I don’t think it had turned. Funnily enough my lip mini from ABH in last month’s bag had gone rancid. I asked for (and received) a credit for last month and then had them give me points this month (250). If you email customer service, they’ll do something about it. I didn’t want to come across as trying to scam the system by going for another refund, they made the 250 point offer, so if you’re looking for some specific resolution other than replacement you should make the initial offer.

Sally O Avatar

My Rebel Chic hadn’t turned, at least. I’ve actually worn Rebel Chic the past couple of days, and it’s not bad! I think the other products in the bag were great, objectively speaking. I’m just disappointed to be given the same deluxe samples that have been used as point perks, birthday gifts, and even items from Sephora Play! bags. I’ve always been pleased with previous Play! bags – here’s hoping it’s just a weird one-off and not a sign of things to come.

Sally O Avatar

I know, right??? I was able to get Geneva half off from, but haven’t had much luck elsewhere. Going around to the Sephora shops was a bust – the Guerlain display has already been changed to eliminate the Rouge G section, and I couldn’t even find any kicking around the stock drawers. At least there’s still a good selection at Bloomingdale’s and Bluemercury, but they aren’t marked down yet for some reason (and $54/lipstick is a lot to drop when you’re trying to stock up!).

Nicole D Avatar

Haul I broke my no-buy since the beginning of the year because of Dernières Neiges Collection by Chanel (it was planned though). So, in anticipation of my birthday, which is in April, I gifted myself with the eyeshadow quad Première Éclosion and with the blush/highlighter Premières Fleurs – Harmony Of Powders. I’m in love with both of them. The blush/highlighter has a silvery overspray which goes away after it is used a couple of times.

Weekend plans: The usual: study, study, some cooking for me and my hubby. I’m enrolled at the Bar School, which is compulsory here in Quebec after you graduate from the Law School (because of the Civil Law, which applies in Quebec in all civil matters). If the Law School is hard work, the Bar School is 10x harder; it has an intensive schedule on purpose, for four months (daily evaluations in the class by the professors, writing procedural documents, legal memoranda on almost a weekly basis etc.). I had the Ethics exam two weeks ago (it counts for 20% of the final grade). The final two exams will be at the beginning of May and we will know the subject-matters only at the end of March. I’m so tired (I get to sleep four-five hours/night), that usually on Fridays I sleep the entire remaining day when I get home. Sometimes I’m telling myself that I was crazy to leave behind a good job in the financial sector and go into law in my mid-thirties. Hopefully, I will pass my exams, complete the six-month apprenticeship and will be admitted to the Bar of Quebec.

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: U2 concert last year.

Sarah Avatar

Eee! U2 is my favorite band, I bet that was amazing! I saw them once in 2009 and it still stands out as one of the best concerts I have ever been to, hands down. 🙂

Nicole D Avatar

They are my favorite band as well! The concert was part of their Joshua Tree Tour for the 30th anniversary of The Joshua Tree album, which I consider as their best album ever. It was played in its entirety at their show. Words cannot describe my experience 🙂

Lesley Avatar

I graduated from law school decades ago and I still remember the tension and fear surrounding the bar exam, all of which was aggravated by the eight weeks of the daily bar review classes that preceded it. But you will pass, and if you liked financial services, you will enjoy practicing law. I ended up in the legal department of a large financial services company and really enjoyed the work. Be kind to yourself during this period.

Nicole D Avatar

Wise advice Lesley. Indeed, I need to be kind to myself. A few weeks into this four-month intensive schedule, I wanted to get everything done (do all the practical cases assigned from one day to the other, read the entire part from the respective volume etc.) and I ended up going to sleep by 1 or 2 a.m. We were talking, my colleagues and I, that in this rhythm, we would be in burnout by the end of the program or give up in the meantime (there are many who give up). I learned to rethink my approach and also to say to the professor “No, I didn’t have a chance to answer this particular question”. I would like to work for a company as well, either in the financial services sector or as an in-house corporate counsel 🙂

Nancy T Avatar

You got to see U2; I’m jelly, Nicole! JK! One day, I really hope to see them in concert myself. As for all the hard drive work you’re putting into passing the Bar exam, I believe you will have such a wonderful sense of relief once this you do! I’m sure that at the present moment, it’s just exhausting, though. Best wishes on the Bar!

Nicole D Avatar

Thank you Nancy for your kind wishes!
U2 was on my bucket list 🙂 No offence to those bands/singers who release hits lasting a few summers, but when you say U2, this is how you do music. The quality, the longevity of the bad, the message in their songs… Last year, they toured in Canada in Toronto and Vancouver. Luckily, Toronto is not so far away from Montreal. This year in June though, they come in Montreal with their Experience + Innocence Tour. Initially, they had planned only June 5th but they has to add another date in Mtl as people went crazy. The tickets sold out in a couple of minutes back in December. My parents love U2, I discovered them in the 90s and love them ever since. To see at their concerts people of all ages, singing in one voice, knowing by heart the lyrics of so many of their songs is such a unique experience. One of the greatest bands of all times and we are blessed that they are still together.

Mariella Avatar

Haul: MAC’s new Water Weight Concealer, Smashbox Night Shoot eyeshadow trio, another Marc Jacobs Blacquer Skinny Liner (I love this product and just opened my 2nd one and purchased a 3rd as a back-up), MUFE I554 (I think) – a mini as a points perk, a can of Uriage spray mineral water (I was going to get LRP but decided to try something new) and another bar of Avene Cold Cream cleansing bar. Not sure if this also counts but I bought a tub of Sudocrem to help heal sores I sometimes get from my glasses.

Weekend plans – younger son comes home tonight for a few days; a post-wedding party tomorrow evening and then relaxing and hanging with son – probably dinner on Sunday at someplace he likes.

Last live performance – probably Twelfth Night at Stratford last year.

Erin Avatar

Haul: Got my last Sephora Play box, of course they finally send me good stuff this month. I decided to scrap the service for budget reasons. I’d rather use the money to either find a box with more natural and CF items that actually listens to what I need or buy one new luxury product a year.

Weekend: I’m headed out to Gig Harbor, my sister wants to see it before we move. It’s snowing and I’m sick, so it might need to be scrapped. I’m also going to do food shopping and starting the move prep in earnest. We’ve already cleaned and streamlined some stuff but a lot more needs to be done.

Last live event: I honestly don’t recall! It was either a concert (Depeche Mode) or seeing Annie at a local playhouse.

Anne Avatar

Haul: I bought that Becca highlighter in Parisian Lights, and given the embossing I have no idea if I’ll ever use it! I got it mainly because I’ve been going down the rabbit hole or research on my French side of the family so I’ve been thinking of Paris a lot and that pattern got me…

Weekend plans: No idea.

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: Oh jeebus it’s been ages due to the whole illness thing. I went to a Neil Gaiman event a few years ago and got my book signed and talked to him a bit and even got a handshake from him.

Genevieve Avatar

Mellon has such an expressive face, he does give that ‘look’ like he’s been interrupted from his snooze.

Haul: I ordered Nars’s Subra as a plum shade and I also ordered one of your favourite lipsticks Christine for my daughter in law’s birthday – Too Faced Honey Bear, which I know she will love too.

Weekend plans – nothing much on this weekend. I had my sister and husband out to lunch last week so that they could give Lachlan his birthday present, so I am just cleaning up and putting things away.
It has been very hot here – even overnight, so I am hanging out for the cool change.

Last time you saw a live event – Quite awhile ago now I saw the Book of Mormons. But I do want to see Beautiful – the story of Carole King.

Rachel R. Avatar

*Kat von D — Divine pallette and lipstick

*Medusa’s Makeup (sub box) –Rosé All Day Facial Tonic, Lip Stick in Lolita, Eye Dust in Desert Storm, and Totally Baked Eyeshadow in Stoked.

*Igneous Cosmetics (etsy) — Pressed Matte Eyeshadows in Crocus, Lilac, Marigold, Limerick, Spring Green, Pear, California Poppy, and Matcha.

*Notoriously Morbid — Vanishing Cabinet: Highlighter in Never Too Late for Now; Blush in My Way till Payday; Mystic Matte Liquid Lipstick in Kidney Now; and Eyeshadow in Good God, Lemon. Remember Me Valentine’s Collection: Mini Eyeshadows in Happy With a Secret, Lacuna, Enjoy It, Oh My Darlin’, She’s a Stranger, and Mystic Matte Mini in Meet Me.

*Ammo Cosmetix (etsy) — e/s in Morella, Beat, Brimstone, Red Death, Locked & Loaded, Force Nuclear, and Vulgar.

*Apocalyptic Beauty — Liquid Lipsticks in Deep Thought, Velvet Darkness, and Who’s Laughing Now?; sample liquid lipstick in Apathy.

*Sparrow Cosmetics (etsy) — Custom pressed glitter palette with Outta This World, Freak Show, Slumber Party, Shattered Glass, Drop Dead Beautiful, and Womanizer; pressed eyesahdows in Ruby and Emerald.

*Other — Almay Shadow Squad Eyeshadow in Thrill Seeker.

Weekend plans: Tomorrow is my son’s birthday. We’re driving him to spend the week with my husband’s family.

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to? The Evanescence “Synthesis” concert right before Christmas.

Lea Avatar

Haul: Saks: My Chantecaille anniversary palette just shipped, so I’m waiting on that to come in from Saks. I should know better on the pre-order and just wait for it to arrive at Chantecaille so I can get my greedy little hands on it quicker, but Saks was having 10% cash back on Ebates.

Sephora: I pulled the trigger on Viseart Petit Pro 2 and one of the new Tatcha sheet masks to try. I’m excited to try out PP2 and the size makes me feel like I’m not really adding another palette!

Weekend Plans: continue to pack up and prep the house to go on the market. It’s a bit of mixed emotions; this house has been very frustrating since we bought it – too many issues and hidden problems that we’ve had to fix, but the location is great and stupid convenient to what may be my new job. Keep your fingers crossed for me everyone – they’ve been re-valuing the job for me because of my experience and working to raise the salary up for me, so I’m waiting to see if they can make the numbers work. After a year of being laid off in a bad political market, I REALLY want this to work out and it lets me work with an old colleague. Also on the to do list is to look at new homes to see where we’re going to move and celebrating hubs’ birthday.

Last Live Event: Ohhh, that’s been awhile, but it would have been Mumford and Sons a few years back. Completely worth the expensive ticket price though!

Tammy Avatar


Happy birthday to your husband! Keeping my fingers crossed for your work situation. Hope the preparations to sell your home go well, and that you enjoy looking for a new home.

Please post back next week to let us know what you think of Viseart’s Petit Pro II.

Lea Avatar

Thanks Tammy! I hate packing – I’d much rather deal with unpacking. I’ll definitely report back on Viseart PP2 and the Chantecaille Anniversary palette – it arrives next week too.

Lorie Avatar

Wait a second.. Did I just read that you have Guerlain Parure Gold Radiance foundation?? I LOVED the old Parure Gold and was so sad when they discontinued it. I just tried looking on the Nordstrom site but couldn’t find it. Please tell me this is the same one that they are bringing back =)

Alisha Avatar

Haul: It’s my birthday week so I ordered some things a few weeks ago to get here in time. I bought 15 Shiro mystery samples in duochromes, metallics, and shimmers/pearls, the My Pretty Zombie Charnal House Spledors collection, and Everything Looks Better on a Meat Hook, and the Geek Chic Sailor Moon Prism tin collection. I ended up buying a few non-makeup items: Box Lunch Winnie the Pooh purse that is cross stitch and says How Sweet to be a Cloud, Books, Frankenstein and Dracula and Demons by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and some new clothes for summer since I’ve lost about 12 pounds of baby weight so far.

Weekend plans: I have a birthday party for my niece who is turning 12. She wanted makeup. I bought her the Geek Chic Lil Sprouts collection, NXY glitter primer, and an elf flat eye brush. We plan on attending Pensacon on Sunday. My SO wants to attend a workshop there on 3d art game animation.

What was the last live event (concert, play, etc.) you went to?: I took my 3 year old and 11 month old to the local library and we saw The Three Piggy Opera! My baby slept through it in the stroller. My 3 yr. old was scared of the singing at first, but about 5 min. later he was in the front with the other kids. He loved it!

Tracey E. Avatar

Haul: Dior eyeshadow palette in Inflame, my 1st Dior eyeshadow palette. Also picked up the Chanel Alfresco palette that a family member picked up for me. It is gorgeous and beautifully pigmented.

Weekend Plans: Visiting family and watching the Olympics.

Live Event: Went to the symphony last weekend. Saw U2 twice last year – was among the best concerts I’ve been to.

Nikki Avatar

Haul: I got my lip-heavy haul in dribs and drabs over the past few weeks: Revlon Super Lustrous Street Chic Bombshell Red, Wild Orchid, and Gold Goddess lipsticks; ChapStick Total Hydration Moisture+Tint Merlot lip balm; and most recently L’Oreal Colour Riche Ruby Flame lipstick.
Weekend plans: the weekend’s mostly over, but my mom and I were planning to go to the mall either tomorrow or Wednesday (we both have Wednesdays off at work), depending on which day rains heavier.
Last live event I went to: Chris Isaak had a concert in my area about 2 years ago. I took my mom for her birthday and we had a great time.

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