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Free for Haul Friday, Volume #154

Welcome to Free For Haul Friday!

  • Haul: I picked up a few random products from with the 40% off coupon!  I couldn’t believe how quickly it arrived.
  • Weekend plans:  Crop photos, write posts, catch-up!
  • How important is music to you?:  I really appreciate music, so I’d say it’s important to me.  I always feel better when I regularly listen/play music!

Share your pet photos to the Temptalia Pets flickr group! 🙂

This week’s Mellan photo…

His wedding attire!


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mirian Avatar

Haul: Also some products from the sale.

Weekend Plans: go to King of Prussia mall and spend all my money

How important is music to you? It’s really important. I was a music major for many years and ended up switching because I realized I wouldn’t be able to commit to a musical profession because I needed financial stability. I feel so guilty. My expensive violin and all my music books are just sitting there collecting dust and I feel like I betrayed them. I know that sounds weird, but that’s just how I feel. I can’t bring myself to play because I’ve gotten so rusty and also I need to pay to get my violin serviced which is going to cost…a lot. Sigh. Anyway, I love music. my mother is a pianist and a vocalist and i definitely take after her. One day I will resume my practicing.

Phyrra Avatar

My Supergoop Antioxidant Infused Day Cream Broad Spectrum SPF 50+, Tarina Tarantino Sparklicity Pure Gold, Sephora OPI Looks Like Rain Deer polish

Weekend Plans:
Halloween Party!

How important is music?
I play several instruments and I sing. I’m thinking about picking up a new instrument. It used to be very, very important to me. Now it’s still important but less consuming. I always melt when I hear my favorite artist, Voltaire’s voice.

Renee Avatar

Mellan looks toooo handsome in that bow!!
I think most people feel music is important. It expresses our moods, even changes our moods. I am going through a very tough time with my health and listening to classical music really helps calm my nervousness about the whole situation.
Even some country love songs bring me up! I used to hate country, now it makes me so happy.

Dinitchka Avatar

Mellan looks so smashing. He sure is a handsome fella!

Haul:MAC Marilyn. Everything finally came in. My SA is the manager of my MAC in Dillards and he said the line was out into the mall and sold out within 10 minutes. He said their were a lot of unhappy customers. I can totally understand. I was not happy that they barely got anything during the original launch. Also while there, pick up 3 Philosophy liquid soaps (Dillards has them 3 for $33), 2 Revlon polishes from CVS and maybe an Essie (I have $8 in CVS rewards) and some pjs from Old Navy (I need some warmer jammies).

Weekend plans: Remove the pink gradient polish I did for the Breast Cancer fight, take the security/return stickers off my MAC Marilyn packaging (IF he put them on there), put away the collection, sort through some polishes, paint my nails in honour of Domestic Violence, sketch out my Halloween nails and pick out the polishes, cook for the week and as always sleep.

How important is music to you?: Music feeds my soul. I grew up in a house where classical was played. I hated it. My appreciation was non existent. I look back and go what the hell was wrong with me??! LOL! I like most music. Though, I have a hard time getting into Country and rap.

Christine Avatar

My parents played a lot of classical, but my appreciation for it seemed to happen earlier – for which I was quite thankful! The only music that is hard for me to get into is anything that is really, really heavy on noise and sounds like saws and industrial machines.

Dinitchka Avatar

LOL Christine! I LOVE Industrial! And hard rock, heavy metal (80’s!!), death metal etc. For some reason the angst of the music seems to vibe for me 🙂

Abbey Avatar

Mellan is so dapper in his bowtie!

Haul: Just some Urban Decay things–Naked Skin, primer, setting spray, and Ocho Loco.
Weekend plans: My husband is in the Air Force, and I am going to an Oktoberfest get-together for spouses in his squadron. It’s the first function like this I’ve been to, so I’m excited to meet some new people!
How important is music to you?: Very important. I always tell people I live life in a musical–everything makes me think of a song. I would give up TV any day of the week, but please don’t ask me to give up music!

Wwendalynne Avatar

Mellan, you are one handsome dude! He very much suits the whole bow-tied dapper gentleman look 😀

Haul: I’m on serious nail kick with lots of bottles of indie nail enamel arriving. No makeup this week but yay finally pre-ordered Chanel Holiday collection.

Weekend Plans: Domestic Goddess must face growing piles of laundry. Hardly exciting stuff, but necessary.

Music has been part of my life from an early age. I play two instruments. Music is a necessity.

Ani_BEE Avatar

Haul: Because I didn’t know WtF was happening with the F&F sale I got the Urban Decay Vice palette and the Cinderella mirror in store. I’m still frustrated with them can you tell!

Weekend plans: Zombie Walk Toronto! Doing a zombified version of my Undertaker from Black Butler.

How important is music to you?: I really appreciate music as well. I don’t necessary fallow artist though really but it great to work to. If I need to focus I listing to instrumental though as i find words distracting.

xamyx Avatar

Was Mellan actually in the wedding? Did he at least pose for photos for the wedding album?

Haul: tarte Carried Away set; I wasn’t planning on buying anything for a while, but I came across a store credit from some Anastasia palettes I returned some time ago (they made my eyes burn & swell), so I figured I may as well use them before I lost them. I’m really loving the glosses, though!

Plans: Nothing much, as usual. I’m probably going to purge my lipstick/gloss stash, and toss some more items.

Music: It’s a very integral part of my life, and it always has been. I pretty much listen to a bit of most genres, and even if it’s not one I particularly like, I can still appreciate the talent and skill of the artist(s).

Elle Jaye Avatar

■Haul: I did some Christmas shopping for my friends from the ELF cosmetics sale (got a lot of goodies for half off), for myself, I got some Dermalogica calming serum, I’m still on the hunt for the perfect one for my combination skin. I have also been browsing all of the holidays sets from Bare Minerals, Tarte, and MAC next week’s haul might be a large one!

■Weekend plans: REST and cuddle time with the boyfriend. He finally has a weekend off from work.

■How important is music to you?: Music is very important to me.I listen to it when I wake up, when i’m working,and if I am in a “mood”. It unites people and it can be motivational. I love how a song can just fit perfectly for a situation you may be going through!

Inge Avatar

■Haul: Clinique true black gel liner.and UD mushroom eyeshadow …saving up for some of the new MAC stuff coming up!
■Weekend plans: Work and a few parties
■How important is music to you?: I liten to music really sets the mood

Angie Avatar

Haul:Nothing! Been super tight this pay period….but just you watch in two weeks Im gonna buy myself a nice purse 🙂
Weekend plans: working! My company is having a huge event so Im working long hours this weekend, I do welcome the overtime though.
How important is music to you?: Extremely! My dad was a musician, he learned to speak english by listening to music 🙂 mainly the beatles and the police. Though he passed 11 years ago, he still was able to share his passion with me, which is great, one day I want to write him a nice song. Oh the great memmories with my dad are coming back, Thank You Christine!

Angie Avatar

yesss! I want a Michael Kors satchel, the large fulton pebbled satchel in white to be precise 🙂 I saved up for it and now I almost have the full amount. so excited!

fireinthehead - Bunny Avatar

Mellan looks very dapper in his bow tie 😀

Haul: Color Club Port-folio & First Looks, China Glaze Unpredictable.

Weekend Plans: I don’t know… probably cleaning or some other equally not exciting thing!

How important is music to you?: I love music. And I’m still sad that I didn’t get to go to that concert this week! *whine*

Tennyoceres Avatar

Too much nail polish! OPI’s Skyfall (the James Bond/holiday) colors just started rolling into the beauty stores in my area. I didn’t have enough guts (or money) to get The Man With the Golden Gun, but I did the shades I really wanted (Goldeneye, Die Another Day, Moonraker, The World is Not Enough, and On Her Majesty’s Secret Service). I might just complete the collection for the polish names alone. Oh and Beyond the Rack has an ORLY stale going right now. I got Galaxy Girl and It’s Not Rocket Science.

Weekend plans
TV drama binging. My ‘To Watch’ queue is way too long and it’s high time I had a lazy weekend.

How important is music to you?
What’s the movie of life without an awesome soundtrack? Silence might be golden but music really sets my pace. I need lots of uptempo and preferably singable music in the background to keep my energy going at work. I’m the girl that sings loudly (badly?) when I drive and even in the gym. When I need to wind down you bet I have some chill background noise going.

Tennyoceres Avatar

But Illamasqua just released some U.S. exclusive nail polishes and all of the holiday gift sets are already rolled out at Sephora and Ulta and I can’t afford pretty makeup my wallet hates meeeee #firstworldproblems

Gahahaha I sound like a brat when I write all of that out. I’ll just go on instant ramen lunches for part of next week to but The Man With the Golden Gun.

Sam Avatar

That bow tie is so freaking cute! 🙂 I wish I could get my cat to dress up. But he sleep in my brother’s bedroom — I feel like if I even attempted it, he would take it out on poor Dave in his sleep. lol

Haul: nothing special this week. just a few jars of coconut oil so I can keep the cooking use and bodily use seperate.

Weekend Plans: Editing my videos! Which, by the way, were a piece of work. lol they’re my first attempt. I just hope I don’t seem as awkward as I felt. I also will be adding the finishing touches to the last of my posts. This is where my perfectionism shines through.

I have a Halloween social event thing to attend tomorrow, on top of a friend’s 18th birthday. Party party 😉

And hopefully I can convince my brothers to help rearrange my room. It’s in desperate need of new energy. So much to do this weekend…

How important is music to you?: Anyone who knows me knows this is a no-brainer. Lol I’d go insane without it. Music is extremely therapedic for me. And whatever the hell I end up doing with my life, I know I want music to be a part of it. I already have a few colleges picked out and everything. 🙂

Sam Avatar

When he gets big enough I’ll definitely look into collars. Lol I found a rasta halloween hat online, with dreads and all, and just about pissed myself. I was like “Dave!! Can Leo be a Bob Marley for Halloween!??” He liked the costume but just stared at me and said, “You pay for it so my money isn’t a waste when he shreds it apart, and he’s sleeping with you so he can bite YOUR toes.”

LOL! Deal! ;D

Ashley Avatar

Haul: 3 of the MAC Marilyn Monroe lipsticks – Love Goddess, Scarlet Ibis, and Deeply Adored (I could not believe my eyes when I saw they were available online! The next day, they were sold out again.)

Weekend Plans: Relaxing with some Crossfit and cleaning mixed in!

Music is always playing in my house and car. It improves my mood and I appreciate the artistry!

Sunny Avatar

Mellan is such a gentleman! Did he stay home on the big day or did you guys take him?

Haul: Illamasqua brow gel & Wisdom liquid liner, a england Holy Grail & Beauty Never Fails! I saw the pictures on the a england Facebook page and knew I needed them! Those are shades I’d happy wear on my lids as well. Can’t wait for them to arrive!

Weekend plans: Chill, write some posts and the usual stuff 😉

How important is music to you?: I can’t work when there is music/noise in the background so I don’t listen to it as often as I want to! I do really really enjoy it when I’m on the road though!

Laura Avatar

Haul: All nail stuff this week! A couple of polishes from the upcoming China Glaze holiday collection, a few No7/Barry M/Revlon polishes from Boots (gotta love their 3 for 2 offer!) plus a couple of Konad nail stamping plates.

Weekend plans: Drinks in town tonight. Tomorrow I’ll be shopping for something to wear for a wedding in a few weeks. I might start my Christmas shopping too!

How important is music to you?: Very. It’s not the all-consuming obsessive passion it was when I was younger, but I still love it. Today I’ve been listening to Slipknot and Chopin!

Kiss & Make-up Avatar

Aw Mellan and his bow tie, cute 🙂

Haul: Nothing this week, can you believe it?

Weekend plans: Recovering from surgery. I had ptosis corrected today. The surgery itself was a nightmare, even worse than I could have ever imagines… But righ now I feel okay, I’m still on a drug high lol… I hope it lasts for a bit.

How important is music to you?: Depends. I have moments where I listen to music all the time and then moments (like now) that it’s been months that I put a play list on?

Safyre Avatar

Mellan is absolutely precious, just sayin 😛

Haul: Nothing fun. Basic things like razors and body wash. >. <

Weekend Plans: Work, edit blog photos/blog, laundry and shopping on Sun. My life is exciting!

How important is music to me? Music is my everything. I got to the point where I thought "if I'd go deaf it'd be so depressing because I wouldn't hear music anymore" and then it occurred to me that deaf people can still feel its beat. So, to me, music isn't just sound – it's an experience. Also, my friend introduced me to the Freelance Whales and they're amazing! I'm going to see them in concert Nov 1st and I'm pretty darn excited.

Chris25 Avatar

Haul: Nothing. I bought a lot of makeup over the summer and I need to use it before I buy any more.

Weekend plans: Doctor’s appt on Saturday, then a friend’s birthday party later that evening. I also have to hop to it and study for a midterm exam.

How important is music to you?: I honestly think I would be dead without it. Literally. Music soothes my soul. I love so many genres: jazz, classical, Native American flute, Turkish pop, rock, alternative, grunge.

VickyM Avatar

Haul: These amazing shoes in a royal blue color, I love them! I think they are my favorite shoes up until now 😀 and tomorrow I will go to the Chanel counter to get one of the new rouge Allure lipsticks…I hope they finally have them, they told me that they would this weekend…and I really want exaltee the perfect shade for me.

Weekend plans: Have classes tomorrow and a presentation, then go to the mall and on Sunday I will go to a book convention 🙂

Music: I love music 😀 I like classic music and then I adore heavy metal, death metal, agrotech, industrial…and I just look nothing like the typical person that likes this kind of music lol with my favorite color for clothes being different shades of pink, my pink and fuschia lipstick, the fact that I rarely use black in clothes or makeup, no piercings, no tattoss…I´m an oddball lol 🙂 .

Barbie Avatar

omg he’s precious! he looks adorable!

haul; stuff from a blog sale 3 mac blushes, wet n wild’s limited edition baked eyeshadow palettes

weekend plans; SLEEP! no homework for me

music is very important to me i’m listening to music as i’m typing this 😛

Tigress Avatar

Haul: Bath and Body Works holiday hand soaps

Weekend plans: Work

If it weren’t for music, I’d be dead. Music has saved my life on more than one occasion and I’m not even being remotely dramatic. Bands like Green Day, Rise Against, My Chemical Romance, AFI and Against Me! get me through each and every day. I only wish I could thank them personally for making life bearable, for being there when no one else was. Music is my life.

Nicole Avatar

Haul: Another week without a makeup haul.
Weekend plans: Looking for one or two new pair of jeans. And I need another foundation, maybe an Armani one.
How important is music to you?: Very important. A friend of me once said, I have the perfect music for every situation. That’s definately right. I love music and I often sing while driving or when I feel sad.

Nicole Avatar

It is the now one, isn’t it? No, I haven’t trietd the Maestro. I have a Sample of the Designer Lift, which I quite like, and had the lasting silk, but dropped that on the bathroom floor and it crashed.

blueraccoon Avatar

Haul: Tarina Tarantino lip sheen in Cameo, eyeliner in Amethyst Android (I would have bought more but they were out of stock :(), Dollskin palette. Bobbi Brown high shimmer lip glosses in Black Ruby, Midnight Violet, and Citrus. Some nail polish for my best friend. A couple Sonia Kashuk eye brushes.

Weekend plans: I’m working 7am – 7pm on Sunday, boo, and missing a friend’s birthday party for it, so that’s a bummer. Saturday I don’t have any plans that I know of, which is kind of weird. The husband and I are talking about maybe going to Costco or something.

Music: So very, very, important. I sang for years, and played clarinet, and only stopped in coillege because it was *all* I’d done in high school and I wanted the chance to do other extracurriculars that weren’t about music. Plus it was hard to be in choir if you weren’t a music major, and forget instrumental. I have to have music on when I’m on the computer, and I’m always looking for new things to listen to. Occasionally I wish I were still performing in a choir or something, but I just don’t know as I have time these days 🙁

Nicoco Chanel Avatar

Haul: With Sugarpill selling @#$%! on their site for the weekend, I am literally sat here trying not to haul it and some other shadows. But I probably will…
Weekend plans: Plan for NaNoWriMo oh here we go again.
How important is music to you?: Not… very. I enjoy it when I’m really in the mood, but I prefer silence. I can’t concentrate properly with music on, unless I’m in a particular mood.

Sabriel Avatar

I am also doing NaNoWriMo this year! Have you ever won?

I have never won, but I usually don’t remember until a few days into November. This year I will be ready and start on time! The hard part is not starting early.

LUZ Avatar

Mellan is sooo handsome! i have 3 boys myself (furry boys lol)

Haul: urban decay stuff came in the mail from the F&F i was so happy going thru the box 😀 most of the stuff are X-mas presents though. i bought my sis the naked2 palette and my niece the naked. i did buy woodstock for me and have been wearing all week. it’s such a pretty color!!
Weekend plans: rearrange the furniture in my living room, my lazy-boy chair is being delivered tomorrow YAY!!! (my hubby has his own recliner so i told him i needed my own personal chair. i got to pick the material and have a BEAUTIFUL ruffle pillow for it!!)
How important is music to you?: VERY important. what would i do without it on my morning ride to work. my fave are 80’s and 90’s jams (did i just give my age away LOL)

Vanilla Avatar

Awwww Mellan is such a handsome puppy (dogs will always be puppies to me). What will he dress up as for Halloween? I miss dressing my dog up, but he passed away this spring at 17.5 years old. Pets just fill your life with so much joy and provides that lil bit of therapy we all need now and then. 😀

Haul: Lots of stuff from the Tarina Tarantino sale. Two dollskin blushes in Feather and Neopolitan Lane. Three eyeliners in Tommy Jet and one in Broken Doll. Four conditioning lip sheens in Pendant, Leatherette, Cameo and Pink Elephant. Did some Christmas shopping as well and picked up a couple of theBalm’s Nude’tude palettes for my friends.

Weekend plans: Ugh work. Not so fun but I need to pay the bills for all that make up I just bought!

Music: Very important to me. Been into music since I was a child and I listen to it whenever I can, whether it’s commuting or at home. If I can listen to music while working I would!

Taylar Avatar

Haul: Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream, Too Faced La Creme lipstick in Naked Dolly, Jordana Fabuliner, NARS lip pencil in Mexican Rose and a L’Oreal Infallible eyeshadow in Smoldering Plum!

Weekend plans: plan my birthday (in one week!) and relax a bit with my hubby.

How important is music to you? I’d say really important. It has the power to really change your mood and it’s been a great way to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. I love hardcore rock like Underoath, A Day to Remember and Chiodos. 🙂

Leticia Avatar

Haul: Nothing :(!
Weekend plans: Catch up on some reading and try to rest
How important is music to you: Oh, very much! I love to listen to music and do it as much as I can – when I get up, in my i-pod when I’m at the subway on my way to work and I even have a playlist I listen to when I have trouble sleeping!

Aawww, Mellan is such a heartthrob :)!! So cute!!

Veronica Avatar

Haul: Only Revon nail polish in Impulsive. I’m still recovering from last weekend’s trip to New York Comic Con. Aaah…the geekery. While I was there, though, I got to visit the Sephora in Times Square and see what a real store is supposed to look like. *sigh* A full Guerlain display is something to see. Even our Nordstrom’s doesn’t have that!

Weekend Plans: Relax, read, write. First weekend off in almost three months!

How important is music to you: I almost always have something on in the background, except when I’m trying to concentrate. I am one of those people who feels no shame in putting on a record and dancing around (terribly) in my bedroom. 😛

Sabriel Avatar

Wow! If you ever get tired of the blogging business, I think you could go into photography. You must have gotten a ton of practice by now, too. Your swatches are also always the clearest I can find.

Haul: None yet, but I might swing by Ulta tomorrow and do the 3 for 2 on Butter London. I don’t have any BL polishes yet, but I have my eyes on fash pack, knees up, and bluey. Maybe victoriana or queen vic.

Weekend Plans: I don’t know! I have a weekly game that has been canceled, so I have all of Saturday free to do whatever I want. I might sit in a coffee shop and practice looking writerly. I also have a lot of TV to catch up on.

Music: It’s important. Lately I have been starting to realize that it is very important, but I have never been the type to go out and find new bands. My post-college friends aren’t into music, so my collection is stagnating.

Kristabelle Avatar

Haul: Sugarpill @$%! shadow (soo excited about that), replacement too faced primed and poreless, avon hydrating eye makeup remover.
Weekend plans: work work work
How important is music to you?: super important, i listen to music pretty much all day.

Joan Avatar

Mellan looks stunning!!!!

Haul: I made a huge pre-order from product holiday collections and a few items from MAC’s Pro line

Weekend plans: Unpack and get back into my routine

How important is music to you?: I enjoy music and appreciate a wide/eclectic variety.

Iris Avatar

Awww…Mellan looks so cute! And that was very tastefully done, Christine. Dogs accessorize with collars, not clothes, or worse yet, shoes(!) I saw a poodle with high heels once, and I almost called SPCA.

Lacey J. Avatar

Haul: Yesterday I ordered some Muji storage drawers. Ive outgrown my train case… other than that I also ordered some sibu skincare. Honestly I had to resist the drugstore 40% off sale… on account of me outgrowing my current storage system lol.

Weekend Plans: Skyping with the boyfriend hopefully. Long distance relationships can be the pits. Oh well in November I will be able to spend some time with him so it’s worth it.

Music: I love love love music. It really inspires my writing and my mood.

PS: I just want to kiss Mellan’s little nose. He looks so handsome that way 😛

Brittany Avatar

I’ve been shopping like crazy at Bath and Body works for weeks! Trying to get in some of my favorite fall/winter scents and candles. So my haul today was an online order I recieve this morning from them: 2 Pumpkin Caramel Latte candles and a mini size Honey Vanilla Dream wash..which I need to get in the bigger size. Weekends I work so no plans is no longer important to because of the crap they now play on the radio. But I do love to go back in time and play my 90’s RnB jams every once in a while.

Kay Avatar

I usually don’t like dogs dressed up but I must say, I think Mellan looks debonair and handsome! The black tie is perfect on his beautiful tan coat. Good choice!

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