Do you ever feel guilty for loving makeup?
Do you ever feel guilty for loving makeup? Share! Some of the more recent responses to questions indicated that guilt/shame/feeling bad about buying/collecting makeup, and I thought maybe it would make for a good topic/discussion.
Absolutely! Makeup is definitely not a necessity, rather a luxury, which is true of a lot of hobbies, forms of entertainment, etc. Most people have something that takes up time/money, whether it’s something like makeup or painting, knitting, cars, gaming, and so forth. It just has to be in moderation, and for me, that usually means not buying more than one can afford to buy. It means donating or giving away products I don’t keep.
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I honestly do not feel guilty. I was the teen that was not allowed to wear makeup and I didnt get my feet wet until I was 22 so every piece I get is special and has meaning to me. Plus like you said, everyone has a hobby, this happens to be mine. Because seriously, there’s no greater gift to give the world than beauty right!?
Aww! That’s beautiful! 🙂
I love your logic! 😛
Nooo, everybody has something they love and spend money on.
Hey Christine!
I used to, but now I don’t. I mean people used to make fun of me for it because they’d always ask how much I spend on makeup alone (which really isn’t that much), and why I like it so much and if I need* it to feel pretty. I’ve come to realize that it’s just something that I truly love, and quite frankly I don’t owe anyone an explanation, you know? Some people love cooking, some love to paint, some love sports…I (and many others out there) just happen to love makeup 🙂
I definitely do if I know I’ve bought way too much at one time. Or if I know I’ve bought something that is the exact same color as something else I have. Luckily I think I’ve controlled my obsessive makeup buying. Especially putting the price of some things into perspective.
Yes, absolutely. I feel more guilty than usual lately, simply because I have been making a lot of expensive skincare purchases. For me, makeup and luxury skincares are things that I want, not need, and perhaps I’ve spent much more than I should on them, considering I’m living on student loans and my parents’ generosity.
But I’m trying to curb the urge to spend on makeup and skincare — and to only do so selectively.
Nope! My husband has his beer brewing and I have my make up collection. I’m not buying make up instead of groceries, over drafting our account, or hoarding products I don’t/won’t use, so I have nothing to feel guilty about.
You are a woman after my own heart, dearie! My husband also home brews.
To me, it’s kind of a love/hate thing. I do and don’t feel guilty for my makeup addiction. I don’t own as much makeup as some people I’m sure, but I still feel bad sometimes when I think about how much unused makeup I have. I mean it does still get used, but I hardly ever reach for it as much unless I acknowledge that I haven’t been using it. At the same time though, my mom never wanted me to be involved with makeup much growing up because she herself doesn’t like it nor wear it. I guess she thinks of it as a waste of money. In my eyes it’s a passion though and you can’t ignore the things that you love just because others don’t share your love for them.
yeah sometimes when I feel too vain about it! But that does not happen often! 😀
I do feel guilty. I got into makeup because I had NO friends, and I just bought a lot. Then I got a job at Pandora and I started collecting that too. I need to be saving, but my fiancé is so far away and I get sad sometimes that shopping for makeup or Pandora makes me feel better. I honestly shouldn’t collect just to collect/buy when I am sad. I have so much makeup that I don’t even use! But I keep buying. Ugh.
Hi Kelsey! I share your retail therapy. I used to collect jewelry as well as makeup and so have more than I’ll ever wear or remember yet I spend, and I think I excuse it because I convince myself it will ease the sadness, but it’s temporary. We need to look within & become strong, Independant of circumstances, and feel gracious for, as well as use, what we already have. Rediscovering things is just like having shiny new toys! I’m sending an empathetic hug to you. This is something I’ve also been struggling with and am genuinely trying to be aware of those times when my spending would not be from need, and calm down in healthy ways. I’m sure many are like us. May we all be granted peace and strength to endure with grace & natural beauty. <3 xo 🙂
Ameeen <3
I feel you too, i am in a long distance marrigae and whenever i am depressed about the whole situation i find happiness and comfort in buying new pretty things <3
i.e. makeup <3
Sometimes I feel like I have too many hobbies and interests and maybe sometimes buying as much makeup as I do causes me to have to make sacrifices in other hobbies that I probably shouldn’t.
I feel sometimes guilty for spending so much. Actually I just posted an article on my blog that describes my husband’s reaction when I bought a very expensive make up brush! (Suqqu)
I don’t feel bad about loving makeup! It’s just annoying when other people try and make me feel bad about it. I don’t sit around and rag on what other people enjoy, shit. The only time I ever feel bad is when I have to toss an almost unused product, or like when I threw away a pair of MAC lashes because glue got all over them before the first use. Basically, I only feel bad when something goes to waste.
Not really! Ever since my injury, make-up is the most plausible way for me to still get creative, which for me is as necessary as breathing, I’m afraid! So I’m going to continue loving make-up unapologetically. Hey, as long as I’m not being irresponsible about it, right? 😉
No, I don’t feel guilty at all! The prices here mean that you really treasure every piece you have, for one thing 😉 (well, at least for someone in my budget range!). As you and others mention, almost everyone has some frivolity or nonessential hobby that they indulge in, perhaps even collecting something. I do try to actually finish products though (it’s such a good feeling!) and if there’s something I don’t want or really can’t use (even after attempts to make it work), I will give it away or maybe sell it.
Yes, and I feel abnormal. No one I know IRL has this much makeup. I do have equally absorbing interests like books and gaming, but I keep the makeup interest to myself except for online friends and a few family members.
I often wish I could find something else to do with the colors since I only have one face. I heard Karl Lagerfeld colors his designs with Shu Uemura shadows. That would be fun!
Sometimes. It depends what percentage of our leisure money that I spend, and whether or not a situation arises where we don’t have enough money to [fill in the blank]. Then I’m like, aw, if I hadn’t bought that one product!
My husband is cool though, and anyway, he has his video games (well actually, so do I but not quite as much as he does) and I have my makeup.
Oh definitely! I think the worst symptom is my value system has been slightly skewed. For example, the other day I bought this bottle of Caudalie dry oil for 23 euros. I was like “oh wow, at this price it’s practically free!” Well no it isn’t. Some people would never pay more than 10 for a skincare product. Or when I see a luxury lip product going for 30+ euros, the alarm in my head is no longer going off.
With that said, I never ever push anyone to spend big on skincare/makeup. People should pay what they think they should on this type of stuff. As long as they’re not getting into debt, it’s all fine by me!
You raise some good points, Sunny. There is an abundance of beautiful and efficacious products to be found at all kinds of price points. There is never any need for anyone to overspend, go into debt, cut back on other needs, etc. to support their beauty product “addiction”. No one should ever feel guilty about buying something that is supposed to make them feel beautiful. That’s counter-intuitive and counter-productive. We should be able to buy what we can afford with our discretionary income and not have to worry about what other people may think 🙂
Before, I did because I purchased anything that I thought was pretty even if it was out of my budget. And for a little bit I did get myself into debt. But I’m trying to be more responsible now, I don’t buy everything that catches my attention, and I always consider whether I will get a lot of use out of a purchase. I think if people have money to burn and they choose to do so for makeup that is fine, but I am not one of those people and there are a lot of necessities I really should be spending more on. So yes, it makes me guilty when I go overboard.
Loving it, no…spending most of my money on it, yes. :s
To be honest, sometimes I do. Not only because I spend a lot of money on makeup, but also it’s considered a rather shallow hobby to have. You know, it’s not literature, music or sports. So sometimes people tend to judge others on the basis of their hobby and makeup doesn’t get you the title of the most sophisticated person around 😉 I know, everybody has their own interests and it’s nobody’s business, but it’s just a thought I had.
Yes! A lot ! Cause Makeup is expensive, perishable, and not that necessary.
It’s pleasure, luxe, dream, creativity, and art at the same time !
When i look at those similar colors that i own, it’s redondant for other people while i always can see the différence. But on the skin, i guess they are just the same colors for other people.
I love to collect nail polishes and brushes. They are more durable.
I try to not buy too much lipstick (not easy to resist!!! 7 Dior lippies in april, yes i feel guilty!!! But it’s exceptionnal, 3 are -50% and 2 are for backup cause they will be discontinued) and prefer drugstores mascara cause they are more perishable. And Maybelline’s mascara are just very good, i can re buy more often.
Now i pay more attention before to buy, i read reviews and aske for samples before to décide.
I prefer to invest in 1 or 2 A+ high end quality products rather than 10 drugstores B+. For example, since i invested in TF eyeshadows palette in Cocoa Mirage, the Flush blush and the TF brushes, i love them so much, and enjoyed so much using them, than they préviented me to buy more blushes and brown eyeshadows.
Nope, Never 😉
Never. Maybe if I would have started with the high-end makeup when I was younger. I’m now at an age where I can afford to buy the things I want and still look good in them. I used to think I would wait until I retired to buy expensive makeup–that would have been a huge mistake.
I used to and then I decided why bother? I agree with what Christine said, as long as you’re not buying more than you can afford it’s like any other interest or hobby. Why feel bad for something that doesn’t hurt anyone?
I spend a good chunk of my discretionary income on beauty products but I budget accordingly to be able to do so and I absolutely refuse to feel guilty about it. There’s no point – feeling guilty is unproductive, damaging and it doesn’t actually resolve anything.
I do sterilize and give away products that don’t work for me – my friends love it and I like knowing that stuff will actually get used and people I care about will get enjoyment out of items that would otherwise go to waste.
Yes, I tend to feel guilty about my make-up “hobby” at times because of the amount of money and time I spend on it.
But… is so much fun! So guilty pleasure wins out. I love color. It is a great hobby and keeps me out of trouble!
This is how I feel – it keeps me out of trouble! It’s fun and harmless
I don’t feel guilty for loving makeup or any other hobby I have. I thought as I got older my love for makeup would end. It’s gotten worse!
Lol nope! We all have our hobbies and vices. Mine just happens to be makeup and I love it! I don’t see anything wrong with it 🙂
Not really. Make-up gives me confidence and I am not using the food money to buy it.
Nope not at all, I have no reason to. I have 2 other obsessions and a hobby i wouldn’t call an obsession (yet) so i don’t spend that much money on makeup or time. I know my limits with makeup so it’s not a guilty pleasure……just pleasure.
This week, YES!!!!!!! I went on a beauty binge (Chanel, Nars, Bite, some new Skincare) and I felt a few twinges of guilt. Lately, I have been proud of myself for really working towards using more out of my existing stash because I have this terrible habit of ignoring the old things (which, let’s face it, are not old and barely used) when I accumulate new things. For the most part though, it’s just the odd twinge of guilt since I view my makeup collection as a hobby and it gives me a lot of pleasure. As long as I am making the effort to use and experiment with what I have, I feel fine about it. This week, I rediscovered a few really amazing pieces in my stash: Laura Mercier baked blush bronze in Ritual. NYX jumbo pencil in Milk (I wasn’t wearing because it creases on me, but put down layer of NARS smudgeproof, et voila!)
For many, makeup is more than a hobby or a luxury, it’s an art. I admire makeup artists and performers, like drag queens, for their ability to transform faces & create personas. I love learning about its history, sharing tips and tricks with other women of color and learning new techniques.
I do a little bit because I have a one year old and feel like I should be setting more money aside for him rather than buying cosmetics. However, I’m with my son most of the time and need a hobby for myself!
I think people can sometimes make you feel guilty when they don’t get how you can love makeup so much. To be honest though everyone has that thing they love to spend money on be it video games, gadgets, clothes etc. Mine just happens to be makeup! Everyone has their own shopping addiction of some kind..
I don’t feel guilty for loving makeup. I do feel guilty for having so much of it when I realize that much of it will probably go bad before I can get good use out of it.
Never! It’s my money and I love makeup 🙂
After the goldmine of hidden goodies I found yesterday, something I obviously did at some point in time for good reason, consisting of a decade’s worth of unopened Chanel, Dior, Clinique & more, all LE stuff, I AM PROUD! 😀 (OMG btw.. The awe has not worn off)
Hidden in a wall shelf behind other cabinets.. In stationary covered interestingly shaped boxes with hinges… I’m set for life. Hehe!!!!!! 😉
Now I don’t have to feel guilty and can give more away! Not everyone has money and something they spend it on, by the way, so I truly appreciate your answer, Christine. I’m now proud I can return and donate as well as give away more, which I did yesterday, as finding this was so over the top… A gift, indeed. I will not spend again. No MAC this summer! Seriously, I, and others, are SET. I’m touched that you give back as well, Christine. Thank you for sharing that about yourself; I respect you even more. <3 xo
Thank you! 🙂
I used to buy entire collections, every time one was out. I accumulated a lot of makeup! Then I got divorced and money got tighter, so I went in and only got those products I loved. Now, I’m more conscious on only getting things that I absolutely love and that I’m sure I will use, or repurchase staples.
I do feel guilty when I see so many unused eye shadows, blushes, and lipsticks that went rancid and are almost new!
Not really, but I find that it is usually another person who tries to make me feel guilty about it haha. For me it is just a hobby, and I know it’s not the most important thing in life. And even though I love makeup, I actually have other interests that I value a lot more.
Yes. I feel it’s superficial.
I used to feel guilty about it as a teenager because it was framed as frivolous by my parents, but as I’ve gotten older I think that the guilt has morphed into a healthy respect for the importance of moderation in makeup. I have quite a collection but always keep that perspective that it’s not essential and that I should buy what’s best for me and not just what’s trendy.
No I don’t. I try not to buy make up that I don’t need, for example if I already have a bright red lipstick I will use that up before I buy another bright red one. And sure it might not be e necessity but other people waste money getting drunk every weekend so in my opinion playing around with make up at least results in pretty looks that make me (and also my boyfriend 😉 ) happy so it’s not a waste of money and nothing to feel ashamed about. Quite on the contrary I’m quite proud of my make up skills that I have learned over the years by experimenting around and now I can help friends out who need tips or do their make up for them for events or going out.
Yes, I’m sitting here feeling guilty right now! I am contemplating heading to Sephora to pick up a few things I really want but in no way need. When money is tight I always feel guilty for spending money on makeup!
No guilt for loving it…there are worse things to obsess over! However, if I pulled out a calculator and actually put a dollar value on my stash I would be horrified.
My live in boyfriend makes me feel very guilty. I have really dry skin and rosacea, and since being with him, I’ve gained 100 lbs. Makeup is something that alleviates my self consciousness about my skin problems… And makeup, unlike clothes or shoes… Don’t care if I’m fat or thin.
When he rags on me for my 35 dollar plus shipping ysl lipsticks, and complains to his family who already hates me about it, I feel a huge sense of shame. His family consists of women whose addictions of jewelry far outweigh my love of makeup, but they like seeing me upset, so they constantly mock me.
I don’t stop though because it makes me feel pretty, at least as pretty as I can while I lose weight.
Hey Kelly!
He shouldn’t make you feel that way, and he shouldn’t help his family find reasons to dislike you (your significant other should always champion you to their family!), especially if they mock you and are openly rude to you. I hope you have friends/family that you can lean on and get support from!
Hi Kelly! I agree 100% with Christine. No one can tell you what to do or how to feel, because only but you know your situation, but perhaps you should reevaluate your relationship… You should be with someone that lifts you up through it all! I think as long as you’re not spending money you don’t have on makeup, it’s no one’s business. And even if you did, that is not how someone who is supposed to care about you should manage the situation. I hope you feel better, in general, because regardless of what the media and some people say, what matters most is your wholesomeness as a person. Hugs!
I’m so sorry for your situation, but I find your fiance’s behavior completely unacceptable. Your partner in life should build you up, not tear you down. And there is no excuse for him bringing his family into it. Is not supposed to be that way. Please don’t settle for someone that doesn’t deserve you.
Completely agree with you on this Kriss.
Kelly – I hope things change for the better, whichever way that is. <3 and Cheers to makeup!
It is YOUR life and you are allowed to do what makes you happy!
Don’t ever give in what people think trust me its waste of your precious time.
Follow through and never feel guilty for the choices you make in life.
Lots of love
Hi Kelly: I wanted to just let your post go by without comment, but it breaks my heart and it does not sit at all well with me. Take it from a 50 year old woman with a lot of experience under her belt: I hope you find or have positive people in your life that are truly loving; those that would never dream of belittling or trying to demean you or outright bully you. A true partner is someone who is your biggest champion, one who makes you feel special, one who has your back at all times in public, even if they are not in agreement at the time. These are things that can be discussed together, privately, without interference from others in your own home . This is what builds mutual trust and respect and when you present yourself to others outside your household unit, it is as a unified force.. Your budget is your business.
If YSL lippies make you feel beautiful, I’m on the sidelines cheering you on and you are a complete stranger. My Best Wishes to you!
Kelly, I’m co -signing with Wendy. Take it from another 50 year old, life is too short and precious to endure foreseeable unhappiness and unnecessary drama. To each his own, but Erica would keep the YSL lippies and dump the fiancée. Good luck to you.
This is going to sound unbelievable shallow due to the nature of your comment, but… YOU’RE 50?! I only DREAM to look half as good as you do at your age! XO
Yeah, I pretty much cosign all these comments. Someone who cares about you/loves you should pick you up, not bring you down. Dude needs to get it together or hit some bricks, IMO. Slap on your fav YSL and SMILE because you deserve to feel good!
Also, please know there is more to your worth and beauty than a number on a scale or on a tag in an item of clothing.
Sending wishes of health and happiness your way!
Hi Kelly,
I agree with all of the replies to your comments. I feel you don’t deserve to be with someone who doesn’t even make an effort to understand you. I hope you get some much-deserved regarding your low self-consciousness. Loving yourself is a liberating experience, believe me.
Seriously. As an awkward, overweight teenager, I never thought I’d feel confident and love myself. And granted, I’m still overweight and there are days where I’m don’t feel confident and I wish I didn’t have to struggle with the difficulty of life. But those days when you feel beautiful and empowered… It makes it worth it!
I feel guilty. I understand that it’s nowhere in the hierarchy of needs, so it’s considered a luxury. However, it’s my guilty pleasure, so I’m trying to make better choices opting for pieces that I know aren’t just a passing fancy. I’ll invest in a good foundation that won’t break me out, but I’ll try to spend less on lipsticks that I end up changing seasonally anyway. That makes the guilt go away a little bit.
I feel guilty spending as much money as I do on makeup. I do look as it more of a hobby rather than just a part of getting ready, but I wish I had a little more self-control! I just like really pretty things 🙂
Nope. Never have, never will. I earn my money, I’m free to spend it as I choose! When/if I have kids though, I might have to dial it back a bit hahahaha!
Sometimes I do feel guilty loving making. It is so easy to by too much of it or have several dupes. Dupes tend to irritate me because they are often bought without even trying :/
No I don’t. I have a budget and I stick to it. I know what I like and what looks good on me.
People made me feel guilty! Haha I was such a putz.
All my husband’s friends including him is an engineer or a Doctor and they don’t relate to me because I have a passion for something they use as a necessity. The women out of the lot especially think that I spend too much of my husband’s money on ‘superficial’ things. My hubby always stood by me and he looks at it just as a hobby, same way his love for music or any other thing that he loves to spend time/money on!
I brushed past all these feelings and followed my dream, I am makeup artist with Bare Minerals now and all these ladies now ask me for makeup advice!
Ironic 🙂
Some times i do! Then i look at my brother sitting on the couch 24/7 playing GTA and i dont feel so bad for myself. Also, as a makeup artist I USE the products so the way i look at it what can be guilty about a hobby that establishes my career?
Also this is uber cheesy, but I feel like it brings girls together. We can be so catty and rude to eachother, but the one thing a loooot of us girls have in common is a love for makeup, and i think its such a special bond. I’ve made amazing friends with people i never thought i would all do to makeup.
No, I don’t feel guilty. Makeup is a pleasure, not an illegal activity / crime so I don’t see a reason for guilt. There were times when, as a zealous neophyte 😛 , I overdid it but I dealt with the consequences and I survived to buy some more 😀 . I now make better financial planning because honestly I think it all boils down to money. I mean, for my means over-overindulgence is 4-5 Rouge G’s but for, say, any CEO it is something completely different and I feel that it’s more positive to think of ways to make extra money than to view anything as a “guilty” pleasure.
No, absolutely not.
Sometimes, mostly when I spend too much money on makeup, or when I buy things that I don’t need or I already have in similar colors..I feel guilty when I catching myself thinking about makeup (this happens a lot) or wanting new things to try or increase my collection.. It’s a hobby but it’s and addiction too.
Yes and no. Yes definitely makeup is a luxury not a necessity, the money could go elsewhere, etc. No because its one of my privileges as the only woman in my household. I have been working since I was 14 years old and if I can’t treat myself at this point it would be sad. Most importantly I enjoy playing with makeup, the colors, how some products feel on the skin, how it can make my tired dark circles almost disappear. I love it as much as I love shoes which says a lot.
The guilt kicks in everytime I walk out of Sephora 🙁
I do get over it eventually. I guess it’s cause everytime I do buy something, I see those who are less fortunate than me and wish I had just donated that money instead
Not really. It’s a little awkward when I realize that I love hobbythings more than actual breathing people, but it is what it is.
LOL so true
Sometimes I do. Like when I have a huge haul and can’t resist buying something even though I already have something similar in my collection. However, for the most part, I don’t feel guilty about it because it makes me happy. Happiness is what matters.
No I don’t feel guilty because it is something that I love. For years I spent my money on my family, their education etc. So now it is my turn to spend a little on myself. I do not go overboard and I carefully consider my purchases on products that I will actually use and wear. As other readers have stated here, everyone needs to have a hobby… mine is makeup and perfume.
No! I’m proud to say that, because I used to. Or maybe not guilty so much as – I was aware there was an unhealthy amount of buying going on. It was the buying things I didn’t actively use or already had comparable products of that I knew was a problem.
Nowadays, I love makeup as much as ever, but I don’t feel even a quarter as much of the pull to purchase more and more that I did years ago. But I still fully embrace the creating side of makeup – not just applying it, but photographing and writing on my blog about it. The vast majority of my makeup is well-used, which I like. I bought it as a tool to create and express, the fun is in the process, not just “having” the items.
I do if i buy too much at one time. However, I after my injuries I cannot indulge in clothes and shoes the way other people can so makeup is one of the few ways I can pretend to be normal. However, I do suffer from pangs of shallowness from time to time.
i wanted to ask, Christine, what do you do with barely used products you don’t need/want anymore? I want to find a way to donate them that doesn’t involve tossing them in the thrash. However, most places I know that accept donations insist on sealed only.
I’ve been feeling more guilty lately because my collection is growing and some items are being neglected. I’ve been trying to shop my own stash now.
I’m not in debt or that worried about my finances, but I have more bills to pay so I’ve been more conscious of my recent makeup/beauty purchases.
I think if my mom knew how much makeup I’ve accumulated or how much money I’ve spent on makeup, she would really freak out and make me feel guilty. I’m the only one in my family that has a passion for makeup.
Guilty for loving makeup? No. I think I have decent taste and use it in a way that enhances my good features and hides my flaws.
However – I do occasionally feel guilty about the SIZE of my makeup collection.
Hi girls! I often feel guily too when I buy a lot of things or when I find a lot of dupes I don’t remember to have. For example: I have a lot of liquid black eyeliners I never use and almost ten face powders! The ridiculous thing is that I go out, I go to Sephora, I go out without to buy. After it I buy a cheap powder: at this point I’m ready to go to Sephora again and to buy a Guerlain powder. I really did it! It’s my inconscious way to feel less guilty and I know it’s stupid! At the end I’m happy to have two powders instead one! 🙂 And obviously I promise to myself that I will never do it again! The next time I do it with lipsticks.. I can’t be corrected! 😉 The only people I know that understand this kind of things It’s my best friend ’cause she act in the same way! The reason why we feel guilty is – before the waste of money – the people that judge us.
But i’m happy to discover new makeup and this blog is really useful and avoided a lot of bad purchases! Thank you Christine! 🙂
Sometimes I feel a little guilty. As you said, it’s not a necessity. But, I don’t spend recklessly and I do give away what I don’t use. Plus, it’s a great self esteem booster.
Occasianly i do, but i take that gult feeling back given that i dont spend on (expenseive) makeup .. i buy a lot .. but mostly is drugstore , mid range brands .. and no matter how much i buy, i always end up using the things i buy from time to time.. so its not just a collecting hobby ..
My fear is on something, i always fear that the make up i spend money on will (expire) before i make good use of it !
Id dont always believe the validity stickets on makeup .. but it still gives me fear .. any thoughts on the truth behind that or how to extend makeup longevity ?
I only feel guilty when I make my wallet suffer! As far as loving it, I don’t feel guilty at all, life is so transient that I would feel guilty if I denied myself of things that brought me joy.
Yes, absolutely. I feel guilty nearly everyday. Except it’s not really a money issue that makes me feel guilty. It’s more the extreme consumption and extraction of resources to get products on the shelf–all in the name of frivolous vanity. This feeling is not limited to cosmetics–I feel it for a ton of products and just consumerism in general–especially for things that aren’t necessarily practical for like, say, health.
I try not to think about it too much bc in the end, there’s not much I can do to change that and I hate feeling helpless. It doesn’t help that I live in a makeup-optional and politically/environmentally conscious area.
yes all the time now 🙁 i have discovered so many different brands this last year & i have more makeup now than i have ever had in my life time, now people say ” you have enough you need to stop buying that ” but what about their hobbies uggh, i have collected a lot not near what i have seen with other people ( envies lol ) and now when i see something i want i get nervous to compromise with my husband about spending
I don’t feel guilty for LOVING makeup, but sometimes I do because of the amount of money I spend for things I’ll never use up. But then I think about stamp collectors, do they ever use their stamps? Nope. And that’s a valid hobby. And people who collects fancy decorative “whatever”, do they really USE their stuff for something else than because it’s beautiful?
So my conclusion is: I use my makeup, even if i’m never going to use it all up. And i think it’s beautiful and fun.
And most important of all: I do what ever I want in this matter 😉
Sometimes because of how much I have, I don’t use it daily. But currently I love creating new looks so I am happier now that I am getting more use out of it. I kind of find it sad (it’s weird, I know) when people have makeup untouched and never used, seems like a waste.
Yes! I don’t know how many times I’ve been labelled “vain,” because I put sch money, time, thought, and effort into my makeup. However, I try very hard to buy *only* products I really think I’ll love, and will really use. And there *is* such a thing as “too expensive” for me, when it comes to makeup. I’m single and childless, so I can mostly spend my money as I want, without impacting anyone else. I do have financial obligations, though, and I meet those *before* I buy “frivolous” things like makeup.
You sound like me.
This is a great question, and I was curious to hear the responses. I do feel guilty for loving and buying high end makeup. It is difficult to articulate why, exactly. I guess I feel like it’s not a practical expense; like you said, Christine, it is a luxury. I like that it is an “affordable” luxury – I can buy a $30 makeup item and feel special when I use it. I like that putting on makeup allows me to express my artistic side; I don’t have the time to paint a picture every day, but I do have time to put on makeup every day. Partly I feel like I could/should use the money I spend on makeup for something more practical, although I do see the importance of having hobbies. Yes, I feel guilty, but I’m not entirely sure why.
Nope. I keep make-up purely in the fun zone.
Guilty not so much, a little embarrassed maybe. I just spent over $300 on Chanel makeup and skin products last week. I sorta justify it by saying I’m getting older and I need to use better products on my skin. I absolutely love their skin products, and plan on getting more. I probably could have passed on the lipstick and finishing powder, but the foundation and skin care were a must. I don’t really discuss with my friends and family the amount of money I spend, especially when some of my girlfriends complain drug store makeup is too expensive.
Sometimes, but that’s mainly because there’s a bit of stigma surrounding loving makeup… For some reason I feel people view it as a less positive hobby than something like knitting or painting etc. I don’t think I should feel guilty about it, though. Like you said, it’s still a hobby. Just like an artist buys new brushes and pigments, I like to think I do the same thing, only on my face. It’s definitely more about that to me than trying to look beautiful to other people, but unfortunately, I don’t think enough people understand that. :/ The way other people view makeup makes me think, “gee, should I be spending $50 on this eyeshadow palette, even if I know I can create some really cool things with it?”. I know it’s not about them, but the way other people see makeup causes me to second guess myself sometimes and makes me feel like I should be spending my time on money on something more “productive”. I wish it wasn’t that way!
Guilty for loving it, no, but as some here have said, it makes me feel a little guilty that I have a lot of stuff I haven’t even opened yet. I also feel guilty when I realize I bought a lipstick that looks exactly like three others I already own or when I see I don’t have any more space to keep stuff…..and not having everything organized leads to me forgetting I have this or that! Anyway, I also agree that to each her own and as long as I cover my daily and necessary expenses, allowing myself a treat is not wrong at all. And a treat for me is either drugstore or high end makeup, any makes me happy.
I don’t feel guilty tbh, buying and owning make up and trying out new things has seriously been one of the only things to make me happy recently (in the past few months i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety) and if it makes me happy i have no reason to feel guilty
Yes, pretty often too. But, it is what I enjoy and really is my escape from the craziness that is reality. Sometimes I just want to blog and look at all the makeup I would love to get! Which is also not good because makeup isn’t very cheap!