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Essie Fall 2013 Collection -- For the Twill of It

Summer’s over and its truly time to get back to business, the business of fashion. Every autumn, New York City becomes a flutter with Fashion Week – full of fun, phenomenal inspiration. Everything from the oil slicks on the Manhattan streets after a thunderstorm, to the schoolgirls and boys filling the streets in their pleated navy skirts and blue-black blazers – serve as a muse for the essie 2013 fall collection.

  • For the Twill of It Compelling rich maple with reflective olive shimmer
  • Twin Sweater Set Vibrant red crimson
  • Vested Interest Tweedy, woolen gray teal
  • After School Boy Blazer Academy blue
  • Cashmere Bathrobe True flannel gray
  • The Lace is On Glistening, jewel-toned pearlescent fuchsia

Availability: $8.00 each, now @ Nordstrom; September 2013 wherever Essie is sold

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Mariella Avatar

I only have 2 Essie polishes and I was not impressed with either one of them – streaky, watery and just not what I expect in a polish so I’m not really willing to spend on these when for a few bucks more, I can get a Zoya or OPI polish that is likely to give better results.

Kristen Avatar

Yep, I have the same problems with them. I wanted to love them, but they are very streaky and they chip on me in like a day :(. I’m glad I’m not the only one…

Alexandra Aimee Avatar

I TOTALLY agree! The OPI formula is superior to even some of the higher end brands whereas Essie…. Sort of goes on like a drug store polish. Some of these colors look pretty, but I’m not willing to risk it.

A Name Avatar

Weird, Essie is my go to when I want a no hassle quick and easy polish application! And the OPIs I’ve tried have all been fussy (though that’s partly ’cause I don’t like their brush). I have around 20 essie polishes, and the only one thats I didn’t like the formula of was Fiji.
Maybe I’ve just been lucky?

Nikki Avatar

Essie’s also my favourite brand. Never had any troubles with them in all honesty. Even the mini bottles.. the key is to wipe the brush off so there’s not too much on there. Also make sure u shake it and let it sit for a minute before u start painting. I prefer them over any other brand really.

Katherine Avatar

I’m picking up this entire collection. I have a moderate collection of fingernail polishes (about 70+ bottles) and for some reason I always reach for the Essie bottles.

Sam Avatar

I bought For The Twill Of It, and The Lace is On about two weeks ago. The description “rich maple with reflective olive shimmer” is odd?? on me, it’s beetle wings in a nail polish form. a very strong emerald to purple duochrome, opaque in two coats.

and The Lace is On is just one of those pretty gem tones that glows. I would call it a borderline glass-fleck. It’s gorgeous, but very dupeable. Sure Shot from their permanent collection is almost exact.

Zinnat Avatar

I’ve never really had much issue with my Essie polishes chipping (and I have quite a few). I tend to get an average of 5 days of wear out of them. This collection looks great! Not necessarily typical fall colours, which is nice to see.

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