Do you wear any makeup to the pool or beach?

If I’m planning on swimming, no, but if I’m just wading or getting my feet wet, possibly! If it’s super hot or humid outside and I expect to be outdoors for awhile, I won’t, but if it’s like hanging out at my parents’ house and dipping my toes in for a few minutes, I’m probably wearing makeup. If it’s a casual stroll on the beach, I’m likely wearing makeup. I hate sweating makeup off, though, so the more the pool/beach is the primary activity, the less likely I am to wear any makeup.

— Christine


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Ariel Riley Avatar

Good gosh, no. I’m a water baby and if it’s above 65 and there’s water, I’m in it! And I’m in it A LOT so even waterproof would come off.

kjh Avatar

Exactly. I see zero point of anything beyond sunscreen and possibly insect repellent. Water means in it. I live at a beach, and ‘none’ has generalized. Out and about with the dogs is usually none, too. Days off might mean skincare extras only, if I stay home. Out to eat/drink at the beach, yes makeup. Woods? No, but maybe concealer and TM instead of sunscreen. That does not mean I don’t see total IG in tents/on blankets in the sand/splashing in the waves. False lashes in a rip tide, anyone? Hey, girl, your chrome LL and shadow is kind of overwhelmed by the bright sun. And your nails fell off, when you got knocked over. And no scent either, as it attracts flies, bees, etc.

Blue Avatar

I would probably do my eyebrows and a barely there base with a truckload of sunscreen. Curl lashes, maybe some Becca Beach Tint for lips and cheeks. I love the water but I’m generally not a beach person because Seattle beaches are rocky with icy cold water. I do love canoeing and splashing around in lakes and always wear a little makeup for the selfies.

Plus I don’t like to tan. I get moles–not just cute little freckles–raised MOLES like a mofo. I’ve already had four on my face and neck removed. I’m glad I got them taken off because they were very large and raised, but I’d rather not accumulate even more line scars from additional removals.

Nicole D Avatar

If I swim, no makeup. If I go to the beach/to a bbq or just outdoors, I would wear minimal makeup:
– tinted sunscreen (Suntegrity 5 in 1 Natural Moisturizing Sunscreen broad spectrum SPF 30 in Light)
– eyeliner in liquid or powder form (Lancôme Artliner in Brown or a navy eyeshadow – Armani Eyes To Kill in no. 2 Armani Navy)
– mascara
– liquid lipstick, in a thin formula, preferably transfer-proof (Dior Lip Tattoo/Lancôme Matte Shaker/Lancôme L’Absolu Lacquer).

thirteenthirteen Avatar

No. I often go to the beach without the intention of swimming (I live in Northern California where the ocean is both very cold and filled with dangerous currents), but in those cases it’s usually for something like hiking or letting the dog run around. I would want to be able to reapply sunscreen regularly.

If I’m swimming at the pool, also no. It might help that I take my contacts out when I go swimming so appearances become very unimportant to me. I can barely see the wall of the pool before I smack into it!

Silvia Avatar

@Thirteenththierteen hubby and I are just returning from N. California we took a quick two days trip went through beautiful Big Sur and Cambria. I’m in S. California Culver City (actually L.A. but being so large) I’m sort of in. Esteem Culver City and Mar Vista. I just laughed at your swimming pool story without glasses I was playing once badminton at my brothers backyard and could hardly see that darn thing I’m suppose to hit so my brother yelled to wear my glasses. Lol! I would not even try a pool without them lousy at swimming and dangerous with my near sighted prescription. 🙂

Nancy T Avatar

If I already have makeup on, I will leave it on if I’m going into a pool. I may remove base and cheek products to apply a stronger spf, possibly. Otherwise, for a planned swim, especially if it’s at the beach, I will only have sunscreen, waterproof mascara, my brows filled in, plus an spf lip balm on. Brows and lashes because mine are very dark, but sparse, so I don’t look quite right without doing both!

Genevieve Avatar

It depends – if I am going to a swimming pool, then I will just wear lipstick (and it kills me not to wear face makeup), but to the beach I will wear makeup, with a good slather of sunscreen too.
The beach is a bit of a distance from our home, so usually it’s lunch first and then onto the beach.

Silvia Avatar

Spf and chapstick, Chapstick in the beach or pool preferably with a slight tint but never when running the less/the better in that case. No stinking foundation lol! I’ll just lightly blush face with whatever is left on blush brush super lightly it still will give me some color since I’m as visible as a ghost. I will turn red however but never tan and do get red on cheeks from burning from the sun or the fastvincrease of blood from running.

Silvia Avatar

Oops! And although I double check before posting something nehiw this machine twists my words around as in the ending. ??‍♀️ and I forget wth I meant to write. Or the increase I suppose. ?

Sarah Avatar

If I’m going to the beach and not getting in the water I do my normal makeup (which is pretty light to begin with). Although I do make sure to use highlighter, as a trip to the beach just seems like a good occasion for highlighter

If I’m getting in the water, I do everything the same except skip mascara.

Janice Avatar

It depends. I live in South Florida, very close to the beach, & we have a pool. So, always sunblock. Occasionally an spf tinted moisturizer over that. My eyebrows have to be penciled in, & lipstick or gloss. When meeting friends at the beach, especially in the winter months when they all come down from the north, I wear a cream blush & highlighter in addition to the above. But, no eye makeup or full foundation whatsoever.
There are no bugs here like at the Jersey shore, so I wear fragrance too.

Safyre Avatar

Honestly outside of a BB cream (for SPF and a little coverage/skin evening)/balm with SPF I wouldn’t unless it was some kind of party and there won’t be any actual swimming involved… although tbh if I make the effort to be somewhere with a beach/pool I’m going swimming or at the very least getting my feet wet haha.

Bonnie Avatar

Just lipstick and sunglasses. Maaayyyybe brows. I’m tan most of the time so I can get away without face makeup, and sunglasses cover my eyes anyway, so I don’t have to worry about eye makeup running. But lips are a fun easy way to pull it all together.

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