Do you have any beauty-related resolutions for 2019?

I don’t! I hope I can continue to improve on what I purchase (to avoid over-purchasing), but it’s not a “hard” goal so much as a continuing commitment to trying to be reasonable with what I expect myself to review.

— Christine


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Nicole Avatar

I have one that I have decided on, and one that I’m considering. I’m going to be consistent about thorough skincare! I use sunscreen every day and a couple of basic products, but I want to establish a complete regimen that addresses my skin concerns. I’m toying with committing to one eyeshadow palette a week- trying a different look each time I apply makeup to really use more of my shadows. I have a lot (too many, really) of fantastic palettes that I rarely use but want to.

Lily W. Avatar

My goal is to use what I have! I’m a subscription box addict so I have way more than I need of everything, even after shopping my stash for holiday gifts for my my family. To better appreciate my products I’m doing a replacements only no-buy for skin care and a “one in, one out” low-buy for eyeshadow palettes/makeup products in 2019.

Nancy T Avatar

No, not in the way that the majority would consider it. However, I am using 2019’s beginning as a jumping off point to start a very lean low-buy year. Basically, just because having an easy date to remember will make it easier to gage how well I’m doing. This low-buy will necessitate some major, even some painful changes in my own behavior and viewing of color makeup products, such as eyeshadow palettes (my Achilles heel), pre-made cheek palettes, highlighters and ESPECIALLY lip products. However, I still don’t perceive this as a “New Year resolution”.

Mariella Avatar

I’m going to try to reign in my impulse purchases. I have to keep reminding myself that I don’t have a beauty blog or youtube channel so I really don’t need to buy every single thing I see online that appeals to me because it looks lovely or even because it has a good rating. So I’m going to try to purchase only things I need or need to replenish as I use them up, with the occasional indulgence thrown in rather than indulging in a frenzy or FOMO reaction.

Deborah S. Avatar

Normally I am not much of a resolutions sort of gal but this year I am committed to purchasing way less makeup, focusing more of my purchases on good skin care and makeup that incorporates good skin care. Last year I had committed to not being a rouge this year and had qualified by like March or April but this year I am really going to try. I want to go back to Europe before Christmas this year (2019) and in order to make that happen without taking money from savings, requires a much bigger commitment.

Stacy Avatar

I definitely need to use up what I have, but my main goal is a no buy on eyeshadow palettes. I don’t wear eyeshadow everyday and bought way too many in 2018,

Blue Avatar

I succeeded in sticking to a lipstick no-buy for all of 2018(!!!!!!!!!!!!) which was huge for me because my spending had gotten out of control and lipsticks have always been my favorite. I realized that new purchases, especially lip colors, were immediately getting swallowed up by my collection and it was making it hard to enjoy brand new makeup or old favorites.

I’m actually going to continue the lipstick no-buy in 2019 and I might extend it to some other products too, haven’t decided. I still have literally dozens of lipsticks and now that they’re starting to finally show some wear, I might start to run out of things if I stick with it.

The secret was to promise myself a really exciting treat a the end with the money I saved. I’m going to order a Vitamix or Breville high powered blender at the start of the new year. 😛

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