Dandy Lions Eyeshadow Swatches - Neutrals (x35)

Here are swatches of Dandy Lions Eyeshadows ($4.50 to $5.50) from the more neutral hues – browns, taupes, grays, blacks, and whites. Hopefully, I can photograph and swatch the other color families sooner rather than later, but for now, enjoy these swatches!
P.S. – As I mentioned in my first post, their matte formula is specifically noted to be on the more powdery side for better blendability. Thus far, they remind me of Viseart eyeshadows – the matte shades do not always swatch the best, but they are very blendable, buildable, and seem to apply with more pigmentation in practice (on the eye). It’s very early on in the testing process, so I’ll have more thoughts to share as I work through the shades and different finishes/colors.
Dandy Lions Eyeshadow Swatches - Neutrals

Dandy Lions Eyeshadow Swatches - Neutrals (x35)

Dandy Lions Eyeshadow Swatches - Neutrals (x35)
Swatches of Moody, Sleigh It (love that name) and Antique look virtually IDENTICAL but there is a lot here to really love. That whole “coffee/hot chocolate” row – those are just my cup of … well, latte! And there are so many other great shades and from the swatches, they all look to be very good quality.
While I absolutely do appreciate your hard work swatching all of these, so far I’m just not seeing much in the way of shades that either I don’t already own or ones that blow me away. Well, except for Cthulu!
Like Mariella above, I am loving the shimmery neutral tones from this brand – Latte, Cold Brew, Frappe, Hot Cocoa and Spice are my favourites. Now that I am finishing off my Lorac Noir palette (have hit lots of pan of several of the shades) and you can’t seem to get it anymore, these could be my replacements.
I saw Lorac Noir on Amazon for 39 USD. Suspect it’d be 59-75 Aus + gag me shipping. But it’s there.
If this was a palette, I’d buy it in a second! Excited and grateful for all your work reviewing these
I’ve heard good things about this brand, but have yet to try them. I look forward to hearing what you think about them.
I’m so happy to see you review these! These are my favorite mattes for blending, hands down. They literally blend themselves.
Hazelnut, Cabernet, Sanguine, S’mores, and Mocha (maybe Antique) I really like. The price is very nice! And though I likely have something similar to the ones I like, I would still purchase them if slightly different (in particular S’mores, and Mocha because they have a slightly different “tweet” to them. They swatch well, so here’s hoping they rate well (for the brand in line with Sydney Grace perhaps). One thing though, seems very “90’s” color scheme, but I maybe wrong.