Ace Beaute 12-Pan Eyeshadow Palette Swatches (Reformulation)
Ace Beaute recently reformulated their eyeshadows, including the ones found in the Paradise Collection palettes, which I have previously swatched but never got around to reviewing. Here are updated swatches of the reformulation for all four 12-pan palettes from the Paradise Collection.
Oooh. Orchid is a gorgeous shade. I don’t have anything quite like it, I think.
Been wanting Paradise Fallen for at least several years. So many people love that palette of purples and gray leaning grungier tones. Definitely curious to hear how it compares to its predecessor!
Hola! These are beautifully vivid palettes and I hope the reformulations have been a positive one.
I made myself a lethal palette on the website the i realised it looked very familiar. I had basically made myself Paradise Fallen. Which tells me that the palette could fill a colour ‘gap’ in my collection. But then when I look at it now it doesn’t excite me or will me to buy it. I’m sure it will be something that goes on and off my wishlist!
I own and love the original Blossom Passion Palette, does anyone know why they reformulated? I really liked their original eyeshadow formula. My Blossom Passion is by far my favorite pink palette
Ooo, nice swatches. The Paradise Fallen one is nice, but too many colors I have and don’t need.