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Sneak Peek: Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set Photos & Swatches

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Bon Voyage Collector’s Set

Here’s a first look at Tarte’s ultra-massive holiday gift set, the Bon Voyage Collector’s Set ($59.00 for 2.05 oz.), which contains an eyeshadow palette plus several deluxe-sized products and two lip products. Enjoy this sneak peek…

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Bon Voyage Collector’s Set

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Bon Voyage Collector’s Set

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Romantic LipSurgence Lip Tint

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Visionary LipSurgence Lip Gloss

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Muse Deluxe Cheek Stain

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Bon Voyage Eyeshadow Palette

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Bon Voyage Eyeshadow Palette

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Palace of Versaille Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Moulin Rouge Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte I Think I Cannes Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte My Own Cotes Du Rhone Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Boudoir Noir Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Fall in Louvre Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Provence Upon a Time Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Eiffel for You Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Too Haute to Handle Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Bastille in the Night Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Chantilly Lace Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Merci You Later Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte No Champagne, No Gain Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Take on Bordeaux Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte French Riviera Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte C’est La Vie Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Marseille the Word Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Play Nice Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte On a Good Notre Dame Eyeshadow

Tarte Bon Voyage Collector's Set
Tarte Le Cordon Bleu Eyeshadow


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xamyx Avatar

No, they are a bit “blah”, but that’s what I like about them. I get my “color” with NARS & UD, but due to my lifestyle, sometimes I need shades I can just throw on, and have them do the work for me, and tarte always seems to deliver on that point!

Carrie Avatar

Agreed – their brand isn’t know for hyper-pigmentation or color that goes pow. It’s in line for their brand. It doesn’t work for me either, but I can see this potentially being a workhouse palette for some.

Mariella Avatar

Some nice shades in that palette but to tell the truth, I’m sort of “paletted out” again. Having said that, Play Nice (Nice is where I met my husband!), Marseille the World and French Riviera look like lovely colours and Le Cordon Bleu looks to be an amazing purple/blue with good pigmentation (but I’ll await your review).

Jillian Avatar

Ooooooh, this looks really interesting… I’m only recently jumping on the holiday gift sets bandwagon, and I’m seriously considering this one if the quality is there!!

Staci Avatar

A little OT, but my daughter and I were having a conversation about this name yesterday. How is it pronounced? I say it like tart. She thinks the at the end makes an a sound, like tartea. Hopefully someone can answer. Lol this was a very serious debate in my house.

Ammara Avatar

I think it’s probably like tart because there’s no accent on the e, like é. Also, they came out with a gift set last year or so called “The Tarte of Giving”, so it seems like it’s pronounced like tart.

Dusty Avatar

I’m actually digging how they are covering cooler and warmer options (from dark to light) and then including some deep and almost jewel tones for “flavor.” I could see this being a catch all palette – especially for a budding pro who wants to do a lot of beauty and wedding type makeup. Nice!

Madelyn Avatar

I have to say, I’m pretty disappointed. I found this at my Sephora on Wednesday and swatched. The texture is ok, but only two of the eyeshadows would ever be used by me, and that is NOT worth the money. I even hated the color of the LipSurgence. I have bought these sets every year from Tarte. They had neutrals, yes, but also a few splash colors (The teal of 2012 or the purple and blue of the 2013 set – wow!) They were great travel pallets. This… this is so plain and neutral it’s depressing. It also feels dated. The huge naked push has passed to some degree and now color is coming back. I wish this would have reflected that to some degree.

But that being said, I’m kind of glad I can cross one thing my massive wish list!

Thank you for the review!


Riviera is a more unique shadow for me and I like it. But, based on the swatches, I’m not excited about its performance, as well as I don’t expect nice performances of the most of the other shades of this palette.

xamyx Avatar

In spite of the seemingly obligatory bronzy-gold shades, this palette looks like it may be worth picking up, especially considering the price & additional products.

Hong Avatar

Has anyone else noticed that the new Amazonian Clay Eyeshadow palette has been discontinued from sephora? I really wanted that palette but it seems that it’s basically disappeared off the face of the earth! Strange, since it’s only been out for a couple of months… I really wanted it because of the warm colours and the pigmentation, but if this Parisienne one is up to par I might settle for this instead 🙂 I have a lot of palettes in my kit anyways.

Of course, The One That Got Away will always be in my heart…

xamyx Avatar

It was LE, and apparently the “regular” 10-pans were DC’d some time ago. It seems if one wants tarte eyeshadows, they’ll have to wait for seasonal LE palettes, which of course will sell out… It looks like tarte is going the way of MAC since they were purchase by some large Japanese company…

Trina Avatar

Are you looking for the summer one? Golden days sultry nights? It’s in the sale section of sephoras site for $24. About a week ago they had all of tartes palettes marked down to about $24. They apparently clearenced everything out. That is the only one left.

Lotus Avatar

I find this very plain. At this time of year, I’m hoping and sxpecting to be wowed by something new, not something rearranged differently with added masked labels for names.. Cute and fun for a gift to give someone just entering who wants to cover more bases and have more to work/play with, whether it is great or not. I pass.

Jackie Avatar

This seems like a very wearable, everyday type of palette with a few jewel or “smoky” shades thrown in but I wish Tarte had gone for something more colorful. This palette doesn’t really excite me and I wish Tarte had gone for some pops of color for the holidays. As a huge Tarte fan, this palette is a little disappointing…It seems like all their palettes are mostly neutrals lately. I prefer last year’s holiday palette and packaging. Also, the items that come with this year’s palette aren’t terribly exciting for me either…I would’ve much preferred a mini Amazonian Clay blush, several mini lip glosses, or a more vibrant lip surgence color. This set is just kind of mehh this year…and I don’t usually say that about Tarte.

Trina Avatar

I just got this yesterday, it’s such a cute set. It’s not very big but still a great value. The print on the bag is gorgeous! It is a very everyday type of palette no exciting colors. The value and quality makes it worth having. You can always add color from other products. I adore tarte and buy everything they make.

Malia Avatar

I like it, but even if you don’t have time to do a full review, maybe you could just publish the overall grade? That’s my determining factor in almost any new purchase 🙂

Kari Avatar

i love tarte’s shadows and ugh if i hadn’t of already splurged for the brooke shields palette, i’d so be all over this. i need another neutrals palette like i need a bullet in the head lol 😉 but what can i say, i love them. maybe if it’s still in stock closer to the end of november or early december i may get it…

Sylirael Avatar

Augh!!! Why is Le Cordon Bleu sheeeeeer?!?!?!

*calms down*

OK, it’s just a sneak peek swatch. You weren’t looking for another big palette anyway. It doesn’t matter that the packaging is totally made to appeal to you, and the bag is totally (if flamboyantly) cute. Deep breaths, Syl.


I have to admit, that matte navy shade (and French Riviera) strongly appeal. Maybe add ‘No Champagne, No Gain’ for a gorgeous moss/navy/gold look…

It’s not crazy to plan looks with a palette you don’t really want, right? … right?!

Carolina Avatar

Hi Christine

Are you still planning on reviewing this palette? You are probably very busy with all the holiday collections coming out but I was really looking forward to your review of this palette before making any decisions.

Thank you for all your hard work 🙂

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