Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Fall 2015 Shade Extensions
Kat Von D Fall 2015 Launches
Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks ($20.00) (New Shades, Permanent)
Fearless new shades of Kat’s liquid lipstick drench lips in creamy color that redefines staying power. The cult favorite full-coverage, high-pigment formula glides over lips like a gloss, but dries to a velvety matte finish that doesn’t bleed or fade. Vitamin E and Safflower Seed ensure added comfort for all-day wear.
- Noble Petal pink nude
- Bow ‘n’ Arrow Fawn nude
- Lovesick Velvet pink with lavender undertones
- Requiem Soft lilac
- Melancholia Rose blush
- Mother Romantic, rich pink
- Santa Sangre Poison apple
- Nosferatu Blood crimson
- Exorcism Ripe blackberry
- Damned Black cherry
- Susperia Bright lavender
- Ayesha Deep lavender
- Echo Navy blue
- Witches Bold ink black
- Double Dare Cocoa blush
Availability: Now at at Sephora
See more photos!
Kat Von D Fall 2015 Launches
Kat Von D Fall 2015 Launches
Kat Von D Fall 2015 Launches
Kat Von D Fall 2015 Launches
Though not available at Sephora if you live in Canada due to their new Canadian distribution centre policies. Apparently, they won’t be in Canada for another couple of weeks:(
So customer service told me two weeks when I called (as they went up on the US site last week) and now they are up on the Canadian site as well:P Sighhh… but glad to have them:)
Hmm, I’m able to add them to my loves list & I’m Canadian. So I’m sure that would mean they’re available to us?
Those of us who prefer to shop in-store have to wait as well (on *everything*), so join the club, LOL! At least you’ll have time to save/narrow down your wishlist!
Yeah…. they will be delayed. >_<
They’re available on the Canadian site now.
I was able to order them this morning!!
Not available in Sephora Canada yet!!!
They are on the Canadian site now!!
I’m in Canada & able to add them to my basket now
I like all the really dark shades. Witches is intresting because it looks more dark gray than black, so slightly less harsh and flat than a really deep black. Exorcism and Damned look nice too, though I have enough similar shades in my stash as well as unenthused feelings for Kat Von D herself that I’m unlikely to actually buy.
Witches is pitch black. Tried it on yesterday.
Aw, boo. I was way more excited for gray. haha. Thanks for letting me know!
Already ordered Bow & Arrow, Lovesick, Mother, Susperia and Nosferatu… Oh, and I found Double Dare in a local Sephora. Can’t wait to get them!
I got almost the same as you 🙂 I got bow and arrow, lovesick and nosfertu (love the name). I didn’t see Rosemary’s baby on the site but i will be getting that one for sure as well.
I suspect bows and arrow will be the first to go out of stock!
Double Dare is Rosemary’s Baby. She had to rename it due to copyright issues.
OMG thanks for the info! I was wondering what happened to that color!
Rosemary’s Baby is now called Double Dare.
I have been searching high and low for Rosemary’s Baby. So glad you told me this. I already have Double dare. LOL! Thanks again.
What does Double Dare look like? Can’t find a swatch anywhere!
Ended up buying Lovesick and Mother yesterday because I’ve really wanted some of the mauvey ones from Colourpop, but they haven’t restocked. Sorry, Colourpop. I’ll test them this weekend.
Yay! Looking forward on your reviews & swatches. Requiem ftw!
I found Witches, Exorcism, Echo and Damned locally. I ordered Susperia, Auesha, Nosferatu, and Requiem. I am getting them in the mail tomorrow. So excited!
What a great extension! 🙂 I see a few I’d really like to try out.
Dang, I am so excited. I was chatting with an SA at Sephora yesterday and she said that she thinks they’ll be putting these out in (that particular) store on Thursday. I’m being drawn to Mother and Santa Sangre, and I’ll definitely go check these out tomorrow since it’s on the way to my class.
Finally some lighter shades!!! Noble, Melancholia, Echo (not that I need it!), and Double Dare are calling.
I’m interested in seeing Bow ‘n’ Arrow in person which might take a couple of months to see in store up here.
I want more than a couple of these!! <3
Oooh, interesting! So many purple and lavender shades!! I thought the old shades were too neon bright, too dark, or too nude for me but some of these new shades may work. Looking forward to reviews and swatches
Yes I’ve been waiting for these to show up.
So excited about the new shades! I already placed a Sephora order, got the shades in Bow N Arrow, Lovesick and Double Dare. Didn’t pick up any vampy shades because it’s still summer but I’ll definitely get some later on.
Does this officially mark the end of Adora as a liquid? :'(
So no Bad Batch liquid lipstick? So saad:(
I really wanted the second edition Lolita. I liked the darker one.
My love list on sephora will be bigger !!! Ohhhh My!!!! 🙂
I really really really am rooting for Echo to be good. Please let Echo be good.
Going to wait for your review. But I have my fingers crossed.
My safer bet wants out of this are Melancholia and Damned. But Echo…. that blue… Be still my heart.
This is the only liquid lipstick I can wear to date. I have been saying forever that I wish she would put out more shades and she did! YAY! and they are permanent! Yay! I hope you get to review some Christine!
Drooling. Absolutely drooling. I hoping she pulled off the navy and black.
AAAAAHHHHH why KAT VON D must u do this to me?????? lawd…mo money..mo money mo money…mo overtime mo overtime mo overtime…hope some of these are my Kelly Rowland skintone friendly…
They are all at my Local Sephora. So i got to see them first hand. I walked out with 3 of the five I thought I wanted. So far I’m happy. I have the ones I wanted. Bow N Arrow, Mother and Double Dare..!
Please Kat Von D, come to the Netherlands so I can purchase Ayesha and Echo ASAP. Yes and thank you.
Do you when they will be available in store??
I can’t wait to get mine! I ordered Ayesha (crazy excited, I really hope I won’t be disappointed because the color is beautiful) and Bow and Arrow. I almost got Damned, but I saw on KVD’s beauty instagram account that it appears be almost black. I do love almost-black colors, but I just rarely wear them out, so I wasn’t sure I’d get use out of it.
Which of these shades are the new ones for fall? Several look permanent
All of these are new according to the brand.
i m waiting for swatches so badly. i m gonna cave and buy some of these. aaaah, i have 2 of these, jefree and the other coral one.
hey is it possible to have your ratings in the swatch gallery? i look through the swatch gallery from time to time for lip swatches and it would be nice if i could see your grade rating. thank you.
i love the formula of these! does not flake, stays on all day without need to touch up, no fuss to muss! i like wearing these better than standard matte lipsticks bc i dont have to worry about it running into the creases
Anyone know what happened to Selektion/Beloved?!
My thoughts exactly! That is the shade I have been most excited for.
Beloved is now on Sephora.com!!
Ordered Melancholia, Lovesick, Double Dare and Mother today! I know I’ll be buying all of these eventually though. 😛
Noble and Melancholia are so gorgeous, hope I can swatch them in-store!
Super excited for the Navy, Black, purples and brown toned pinks! I’m not a big liquid lipstick wearer either (I tend to lick my lips and press them together without realizing it especially when my lips feel dry) but I can tough it out once in a while for fashion! Lol (maybe a rock concert or art show) 😉
Here is swatches of al the new shades but you’re going to have to guess which is which.
I went to Sephora on my lunch break looking for these lol. They didn’t have them yet but I hope they get them in soon. I need to play with these babies!
OMG I neeeeeed swatches and reviews! Also, I heard they were going to do a Lolita & Lolita 2 to sort out that shade difference disaster… what happened?
Love those dark shades!
Went in to get neutrals of these and walked out with Requiem and Ayesha. Planning on going back for Lovesick, Melancholia, Nosferatu, and Echo. Probably will also grab Lolita at some point. First impressions of the two I got though are that they’re consistent with Kat’s general excellence with this line. After many trials and tribulations, I’ve definitely determined that this is my favorite liquid lipstick formula!